商品名 | ジュラシックワールド Jurassic World Dominion Dinosaur Toy, Strike N Roar Giganotosaurus, Action Figure with Striking Motion and Sounds?? |
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商品コメント | Bring home the adventure and thrills of ジュラシックワールド Jurassic World Dominion with this Giganotosaurus based on the villain dinosaur introduced in ジュラシックワールド Jurassic World Dominion.Activate a huge CHOMP and ROAR using the button under the body. Check out the huge stretch of the jaw Use the button on top to make the figure shake its prey from side to side.Beware this 21.5ーinch long figure representing the villain dinosaur from ジュラシックワールド Jurassic World Dominion. It includes details so movieーaccurate, its frightening Download the free ジュラシックワールド Jurassic World Facts app (Android and iOS) and see dinosaur play get REAL Find the hidden DNA code and scan it with any smart device to initiate Augmented Reality options. Smart device not included.AR lets kids study the dinosaur in the lab with fun visual learning and explore different modes, like thermal and xーray Then, take it to the next level and bring dinosaurs into our world through AR ーー make the dinosaur appear in any room. RUN |
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