How to order in shopping cart水濡れや汚れに強いラミネートテープです。ラベルライター(MAX)「ビーポップミニ」用テープテープ幅:6mmテープ長さ:8m巻色:透明に黒文字入数:1個(箱入)It is the water wet and the laminating tape which is strong to become dirty. Label writer (MAX) Tape for "a B pop mini" Tape width: 6mm Tape length: 8m winding A color: It is a lindera transparently 入数: Nothing (treasuring)
How to order in shopping cart水濡れや汚れに強いラミネートテープです。ラベルライター(MAX)「ビーポップミニ」用テープテープ幅:6mmテープ長さ:8m巻色:透明に黒文字入数:1個(箱入)It is the water wet and the laminating tape which is strong to become dirty. Label writer (MAX) Tape for "a B pop mini" Tape width: 6mm Tape length: 8m winding A color: It is a lindera transparently 入数: Nothing (treasuring)