商品名 | Kids Play Tent with Lights Indoor Playhouse for Kids Toys and Gifts for Boys and Girls Toddler Kids Tent with Portable Carry Bag |
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商品コメント | ?Best Gift: Every kid is a little prince or princess, the kids tents will no doubt give them a good feeling. Kids can also use indoor tent as a gameーplaying house. The Little guys are obsessed with this kid playhouse. Children love crawling inside the and have meetings with their friends there.?Private Space: This boys tent inspires imagination and creativity of your baby, which provides a space to play games, play balls, hide and seek, read with their dear parents and little friends. Inside their kids room tent, every child wants to have a secret base and their creativity flow arises effortlessly.?Free Time: The kids play tent can help your child to become more independent and social by inviting their friends to the toddler tent but also help yourself with the free personal time that you need so much. Sometimes you’ll find it very difficult to get them to come out from their new mini home child play tents?Special Design: This lightweight playschool toys with waterproof roof is portable for carrying out in package, excellent for indoor or outdoor use, ideal for home, backyard, parks, day care and more.?Size & Material: 38.6" L x 27.6" W x 42.5 " H. Specially designed perfectly sized space is roomy enough and easy to move around for both kids and parents. NonーToxic paint, no smell, safe for kids. |
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