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yoyo loach killing other fish

This lets them search for larger bits of food easier.These fish will stay to the bottom and sometimes the middle of the water column. Leave some open space in the center for swimming and play. Yoyo loach (Botia almorhae) is a very beautiful freshwater fish that belongs to family Botiidae. They should also have similar water parameters. Beautiful creatures though, I really admire this website because I love to read about aquarium fish, whether I keep them or not . This energy brings a lot of life to the bottom of your tank.These inquisitive fish however will keep to themselves, this is the reason that they will do so well with so many fish. Aquarium Hobbyist 2020 Q3 - Read online for free. How To Care For Mollies, Herbivorous Freshwater Fish: Interesting Facts. Sep 7, 2009 #1 i recently bought a yoyo fish. Fill the bottom of the tank with a soft sand base. You must maintain relatively stable parameters to ensure that the fish dont become stressed out and disease-ridden. Other fish in the tank include: - Cardinals - Zebra Danios - Rummynoses - Platties - Bristlenoses (2 adults, 2 juveniles) - Cories I feed it a sinking pellet to keep it happy, since the snails are no longer found as a snack. You see, Tetras are very energetic. It is rare that they will be seen at the surface. Therefore, if you want to keep these species in the same tank, you should opt for larger Neon Tetras. Come learn from our membership's vast experience! These creatures are opportunistic. Youll need at least 50 gallons worth of space just for them. They are often confused with another similar-looking species found throughout Pakistan. I am a new fishkeeper to the hobby and i am from manchester in the UK .. i am breeding guppies right now and i am due to sell them in due time when i have learnt more about them also i look to opening a aquarium store in the future Plants work very well with these fish as it gives them lots of natural cover. Theyre active and energetic fish with distinct personalities, making them an excellent addition to large community tanks. Welcome! You wont see them going out of their way to interact with or disturb other fish in the tank. Is Yoyo Loach aggressive? These strange aquatic creatures are entirely translucent, which gives them a built-in camouflage. Platies and. Water conditions, diet, and many other factors can affect the lifespan of your fish. Youll need around 10 gallons for a small group of 4, and 3 gallons for each extra fish. The ideal water parameters should be 7078F for temperature, 5.57.0 for pH, and 510 dGH for hardness. This is good if you are trying to get rid of a population of snails but not good if those snails are a welcomed addition to your tank. Because the health of these fish is so closely tied to the size of their habitat, you need to provide enough room for them to swim around comfortably. Yoyo loaches will eat snails and shrimp in a community tank environment. She is a passionate fish lover who grew up in a household full of large aquariums. While they arent known to uproot plants that often, its still a risk. [1] [2] Despite the alternative common name Pakistani loach, the true B. almorhae is not known from Pakistan . As omnivores, theyll also gorge on meaty foods such as brine shrimp and blood worms. These cichlids also accept flakes and pellets, but these shouldnt be staple foods in their diets. Due to its strong personality, this fish can live with both peaceful and semi-aggressive tank mates. They're omnivorous and primarily scavengers. The answer is no. ; They're not an ideal choice for beginners, but they offer a lot for fish keepers with a moderate amount of experience caring for catfish and other . The Yoyo Loach is a fantastic addition to a community tank. For an ecosystem, this organism is incredibly important and often overlooked. You can keep one single fish in just 10 gallons worth of aquarium space. These aquatic creatures are relatively aggressive with other fish and their species members. In a tank, this means that your job is super easy. All of the species mentioned in this article can tolerate similar temperature, pH, and hardness levels. They're also found throughout Nepal and surrounding areas. The fish you want to stay away from are bettas, gouramis, pufferfish, and certain loaches. If you plan to keep a group of 4, youll need at least 60 gallons. Hi, I've known for a fact that yoyo loaches are semi-aggressive but by getting a group of them, the aggressiveness should spread out somewhat. A single Yoyo loach can happily fit into a 20-gallon tank. So after all this, the answer is simple. Betta Fish Swimming Erratically Is This A Problem? There, you can safely use medications or natural remedies to cure your fish without affecting the others. The short answer is yes! The most important thing to remember is that when youre choosing the appropriate tank, bigger is always better. They generally dwell in the bottom of the tank, searching for food, and can consume the snails, including the small pest snails present in the tank. Mollies are very hardy and adaptable fish. Their natural diet is mostly made up of plant foods like algae and other plant matter. Ill also outline ways to reduce yoyo loach aggression to keep your freshwater aquarium safe and healthy. As the fish moves in groups along the substrate, the bars confuse any predators. It increases their chances significantly, but you can never be 100% sure how things will turn out. Your email address will not be published. Yes, you can keep them together, however you need to keep them in a group of 5 or 6. Fishkeeping World is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and any other affiliated sites. Having the right fish together means you will have a happy community. One of the most important things you need to do when caring for Yoyo Loaches is to test the water regularly. Is Stomatella Snail Good or Bad? When youre finding caves, stick to ones that are similar in size to the fish. He is also a proud member of the, Fishkeeping Worlds 4-in-1 Bundle Set eBook. They do best at a pH level around 6.5-7.5 and a hardness level between 3-10dGH (53-175 ppm). There are other things worth noting about this fish. These creatures often show their dominance, which causes them to bully each other. If you have suggestions on additional information we should add to this guide we would love to hear your suggestions. They do well with other fish that are peaceful and can even stand their own with more aggressive fish.Their temperament makes them a perfect addition to many tanks. Yoyo loaches can attack, kill, and eat your Neon Tetras due to their tiny size. What better tank mate for a Yoyo Loach than another Loach species? They may nip at fins on occasion but if you quarantine the loach for a few days, it usually helps to curb any aggressive behavior. A few sinking pellets offered just before lights out will be devoured come morning. The Yoyo Loach ( Botia almorhae) is a freshwater fish that goes by many different names. If your fish become sick, a separate quarantine tank is a must. I would love to know if these are known to kill frogs. Contests including the Tank of the Month, Can Goldfish Eat Peas? The tank mates you choose must be similar in size. Live foods are also some of their favorites. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! This species is adaptable to a wide range of parameters. Keep the pH between 6.0-8.0 and the hardness below 10dGH. However, you should know their temperament before introducing them to a community tank. Are you thinking of adding a Yoyo Loach to your tank? Finally, this species water parameters include 78-85 F temperature, 6.0-7.5 pH, and 6-14 dGH. Theyll need enough room to remain active. Cory Catfish can live alone, but also in small groups. If you are ready to keep water conditions as stable as possible then these fish might just be perfect for you.Watching water levels and keeping them at one level is not easy. Another good tip with these fish is never adding them to un-established tanks. These creatures are relatively peaceful, but male Gouramis may sometimes be territorial toward other members of their species, especially the males. Thanks to their penchant for digging, they're quite effective at their job! I forgot to mention that I also noticed one of the bronze cory's face fully bashed last night. This fish is generally peaceful but is known to fight with members of their own species. They are beautiful fish that add so much color to your tank. Author Note: Its worth pointing out that keeping these fish in a large tank doesnt guarantee that theyll exceed their average length in captivity. Thus, its best to keep them in a small group. Aquariums at Home may earn an affiliate commission when you buy through links on this site. Its theorized that this stripe and dot pattern is where they got the trade name Yoyo.. Yoyo Loach care is about as easy as it gets. Lets scroll down to discover more! We have two different schools of four YO YO loaches and enjoy them . Clown loaches are scavengers and will munch up any fish food that falls into their domain, but it is still a good idea to feed them sinking pellets to make sure they get enough to eat. Just make sure that you use sinking pellets or wafers. I like to fully understand the needs of animals in my care . There are quite a few fish that will eat snails. They are rather energetic fish that are known for their sweet personalities. <Sadly all to common with Loaches; whether boys of . They are very active and will constantly dart from open water to hiding. I have 7 yoyo loaches and 8 clown loaches in my 100 gallon tank. Yoyo Loaches have mighty appetites. As a result, theyre not the best species to keep with fish that have long fins like gouramis or male guppies. As the fish moves in groups along the substrate, the bars confuse any predators.These fish are not just black; they are known to display a beautiful blue from the edges of their black bands.Their long and slender bodies show off the pattern well. You can break up the flow a bit by diverting the outlet of your filter against the glass or placing some plants in the path of the stream. They prefer living in groups of at least 4 fish. My loaches at feeding time will swim upside down at the surface of the water and snag blood worms from other fish. The kuhli loach ( Pangio kuhlii) is an interesting little oddball fish that is a great addition to your aquarium. This does not mean that they are shy though; they will interact with other fish and will stand up for themselves if needed. However, youll need a lot of space even for a small group. To my surprise he dodged the Oscars and he was in good health no injuries visible and has been fine ever since about a month now . These fish will eat until they get sick. My yo yo did its job well and lives happily with a panda cory and ember tetras. For each Yoyo in your tank you need to add 10-15 gallons per fish. Unlike Loaches, Mollies occupy the top level of the tank. Luckily, its easy to find a middle ground between these two species. Yoyo loaches are named for their markings, which often seem to spell out the word "yoyo" against their silversides, and their habit of darting straight up and down in the tank's water column like a yo-yo toy. It also means that they will need to only be exposed to about half the normal amount of medication.Always remember that you can bring diseases into your tank from so many different sources. They are constantly searching and exploring so giving them plenty of crevices and roots to move through is a good thing. Having a group will help to spread out this dominant behavior. The yoyo loach is a medium-sized fish that will be a great option in medium to large aquariums. i have never known of one to be aggressive and attack other fish. 1 KittenFishMom Members 901 Author Posted October 4, 2022 The yoyo loach is hanging in there. Yoyo Loaches available wherever freshwater fish are sold and usually costs about $5-$8 apiece. Here are the fish most likely to kill nuisance snails and pet snails: Freshwater and/or Brackish. They may not show aggression to some shrimp, especially cherry shrimp due to their size. Theyre found in tanks, The Dojo Loach (aka Weather Loach or Pond Loach) is one of our all-time favorite freshwater species. As for water parameters, Kuhli loaches do best in 7386F temperatures, 5.56.5 pH, and 05 dGH. They can be semi-aggressive with in-group members. This species thrives in 64-74F water. Yoyo loaches are a small loach species that act as scavengers in aquariums. They also appear to have a Y-O-Y-O pattern on their sides. They are also known to eat small crustaceans, insect larvae, and even plant matter from time to time. by ey Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:14 am, Post Clean water leads to healthy fish. They usually wont target other fish in a tank but can get nippy at times. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. However, their ideal pH range is very narrow, just 6.8-7.0. Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. Then use rocks, drifts, and caves to provide space for your fish to rest. The water is a bit warmer and on the acidic side. They have a small pointed head with a ventral mouth that has short barbels. This will oxygenate the water and help to keep the tank clean. Our mission is to make complex or confusing topics into clear, easy-to-read guides with no confusing terms. Another difference between them and other Loach species is that Yoyo Loaches prefer extremely slow-moving or completely still waters. Why Did My Snail Leave Its Shell? However, if the snails are tiny (under 1 inch), a loach could devour 3-5 of them at once. They're not aggressive and usually leave other fish alone. These fish actually hail from the Ganges basin in northern India. Watching water levels and keeping them at one level is not easy. Upgrade . These are not as fine-tuned as catfish but they do help them search for food, much like Corydoras. One of the loaches is doing what it should be doing and is fine but the other is swimming all around the tank right up to the mollies at the top and attacking them. Unless were talking about fish with long, flowing fins. These tiny fish are active, making it enjoyable to observe them scoot around your aquarium. Unlike other loaches, this species isnt nocturnal and will be quite active during the day. You can feed them these foods on top of a staple diet of high-quality flakes. Often Yoyo Loaches only reach about 2.5 inches long but given enough room in their tank they can grow up to 6 inches long. Larger fish like Discus and Rosy Barbs are also decent options. Unfortunately, "she" was very aggressive toward the other fish in the tank, killing three and removing the dorsal fin from a Cory cat. It is hard to talk about this fish without mentioning their coloration. Originally from Pakistan, this fish also earned the name Pakistani Loach. Youll learn about their max size, habitat requirements, tank mates, and more. Otocinclus: Oto Catfish Care Guide & Species Profile, The Clown Loach Care Guide: A Playful Bottom Dweller For Community Tanks, Hillstream Loach Care Guide & Species Profile, Marine Aquarium Societies of North America, Many plants and wide areas to swim and hide, Community tanks (Peaceful and semi-aggressive). These Tetras are calm and docile. I had neon tetras and a bristle nose and introduced the 2 yoyos. Read: Do Yoyo Loaches Eat Snails? The pH level of a Yoyo loach tank needs to stay between 6.5 to 7.5. Thank you Robert for this article it was helpful . In fact, theyre one of our favorite freshwater species to observe for this very reason. These species belong to the same order (Cypriniformes), so theyre bound to have lots in common. Then you just discovered the greatest community of like-minded people anywhere. Save the sinking foods for the Loaches. Like Loaches, Barbs are omnivorous. Just remember to only choose fish with similar water parameters and body sizes. This gives you plenty of opportunities to fill the middle and surface of the water column with any fish that you want. Doing partial water changes (25%) every other week will help keep the tank clean and reduce dangerous ammonia levels. . This fish grows up to 3-4 inches and has similar tank size requirements to Yoyos. The following water parameters should be maintained: Keeping these conditions constant is important to keep these fish happy and healthy.They prefer large gravel or small rocks for substrate as it is easy for them to search for food. The bars are not solid and split on their dorsal side. Kuhli Loach Care Guide, Tank Setup & More. The yoyo loach is a smaller species, reaching a length of three to five inches with a lifespan of up to eight years. Remember that these fish are bottom-to-mid dwelling fish, this means that the food you feed them must eventually get to them (sinking wafers are a good example). Tiffany is a content developer and freelance writer with more than five years of experience. While peaceful to other fish species, Yoyo Loaches will search for snails to consume. I decided to get frogs. They might get stressed and touchy when kept in a crowded tank. Tanks that are new tend to have fluctuating water conditions and levels of bacteria and even parasites.Give your tank time before adding these fish in order to make sure that they will stay happy and healthy.BreedingThe Yoyo Loach is a fish that is incredibly difficult to breed in captivity.This is likely since they may swim upstream prior to spawning; fish that require migrations are almost impossible to breed in captivity.Taking fish from wild populations can lead to problems with sustainability.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'fishkeepingworld_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_23',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fishkeepingworld_com-narrow-sky-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'fishkeepingworld_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_24',137,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fishkeepingworld_com-narrow-sky-1-0_1');.narrow-sky-1-multi-137{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding-bottom:10px!important;padding-top:10px!important;text-align:center!important}Males and females are slightly dimorphic when at mating age. 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yoyo loach killing other fish