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ministrybooks org collected works

Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Some of these books were messages published in his periodicals and reprinted in book form. Even fewer have touched the matter of knowing and experiencing the divine life which has been made available to us through Christ's death and resurrection. These chapters contain messages on our putting to death the practices of the body for the Body life, Christ in you making a distinction between the body and the spirit, the person and the work of the Spirit in Romans 8, and two spirits and three facts in Romans 8. their long-term constitution and nourishment, we suggest all the saints enter into the, The Life-study messages are available for free on. THE TEST OF MANY DECEIVERS, AS ANTICHRISTS, GOING OUT INTO THE WORLD, THE TEST OF SOME IN EPHESUS CALLING THEMSELVES APOSTLES, THE TEST OF SOME IN PERGAMOS HOLDING THE TEACHING OF THE NICOLAITANS, THE TEST OF THE CHURCH IN SARDIS WITH THE REMAINING THINGS BEING ABOUT TO DIE, THE TEST OF THE CHURCH IN LAODICEA BOASTING, "I AM RICH AND HAVE BECOME RICH, THE LEADING ONES AND SOME OF THE LEADING SEEKING ONES, CONTACTING PEOPLE BY OURSELVES DIRECTLY, PERSONALLY, AND CONTINUALLY, LABORING IN A PERSONAL WAY FOR THE INCREASE OF THE CHURCH, LEARNING TO PREACH THE GOSPEL AND TO PROPHESY IN THE NEW WAY, THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE CHURCHES IN THE LORD'S RECOVERY, HAVING AN INTEREST CONCERNING PEOPLE'S CONDITION WITH THE LORD, WHICH MINISTERS LIFE IN THE ORGANIC BUILDING UP OF THE BODY OF CHRIST. Please see the church calendar for the Zoom links and outlines. Consider starting small to achieve better consistency. The purpose of this monthly digest is to help to encourage and assist in the daily reading of the ministry. This was especially true after 1939 when he saw that spiritual warfare was not an individual matter but a corporate one. All rights reserved. More Buying Choices $1.54 (11 used & new offers) Kindle. With the release of the final volumes of The Collected Works of Witness Lee in 2020, Living Stream completed the collection, editing, and publication of the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. DO YOU KEEP YOUR REPENTING PRAYER CONTINUOUSLY? 4.9 4.9 out of 5 stars (52) Paperback. dbo: abstract. NOT THROUGH REBUKE OR CONDEMNATION WITH ANY KIND OF NEGATIVE SPIRIT, MINISTERING LIFE TO OTHERS OUTSIDE OF THE REALM OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. XXXVIII. In nearly all cases, this precludes the need for others to post LSM content on their own sites. Tonight's meeting at 5 .. Mark 6:37. Visit KOCL.org for the broadcast schedule. Your email address will not be shared with or sold to any third parties. If we do not seize every opportunity, our time will be wasted. From the back cover: About LSM www.lsm.org. Existing schedules can still be viewed, and existing notes can be accessed and exported, but ministry readings cannot be viewed. The Knowledge of Life provides a foundation for the genuine experience of Christ and a helpful introduction to his companion book The Experience of Life ." Download PDF Download EPUB. In The Knowledge of Life Witness Lee illuminates the path that leads to life, beginning with regeneration and advancing to knowing the inward sense of life. Although we may dedicate some of the precious time in our busy schedules to reading and studying different ministry publications, much of our time is inescapably occupied with mundane matters, when there is still so much of the ministry to be explored. Many of the titles listed below are available for online reading at www.ministrybooks.org. SOME PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTACTING PEOPLE, RECEIVING THE IMPERATIVES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, SOME POINTS TO HELP US GO ON WITH THE LORD, CONTACTING PEOPLE IN A SPIRIT OF PRAYER WITH ENDURANCE, THE INCREASE OF THE LORDS RECOVERY IN NEW ZEALAND THROUGH THE SAINTS LABORING, LABORING TO COOPERATE WITH THE SANCTIFYING SPIRIT, OUR VISITING PEOPLE BEING A RESPONSE TO CHRISTS TRANSCENDING, BEING REGULATED ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF LIFE IN ORDER TO BE HEALTHY, NORMAL, VITAL BELIEVERS, GOD'S POWER BEING MANIFESTED IN MAN'S WEAKNESS, GOD'S CREATING OF MAN IN HIS IMAGE INDICATING THAT GOD WANTS MAN TO HAVE HIM, SATAN'S TEMPTING OF MAN TO TAKE THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE INDICATING THAT, GOD IN CHRIST AS THE SPIRIT ENTERING THE BELIEVERS IN CHRIST TO BE THEIR LIFE, THE PROGRESS OF THEOLOGY IN CHURCH HISTORY, CHRIST AS THE EMBODIMENT OF THE PROCESSED TRIUNE GOD TO BE LIFE, WE, THE TRIPARTITE PERSONS AS GOD'S REDEEMED PEOPLE, TO BE SAVED, THE SPIRIT AS THE REALIZATION OF CHRIST AS THE EMBODIMENT OF, FIVE ITEMS BEING THE BASIC FACTORS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT REVELATION, THE CROSS OF CHRIST BEING THE TERMINATION OF, THE GOD-MAN, THE CROSS, AND THE LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, THREE BEQUESTS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT CHRIST AS THE GOD-MAN, THE ACHIEVEMENT, LIVING A GRAFTED LIFE BY THE EXPERIENCE OF THE CROSS, THE PROPER UNDERSTANDING OF BEING CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST, ADAM'S DEATH BEING THE WAY TO DEATH AND CHRIST'S DEATH BEING THE WAY TO LIFE, WE CHRISTIANS LIVING IN RESURRECTION, NOT BY OURSELVES BUT BY CHRIST REPLACING US, THE CONSUMMATED SPIRIT OF THE PROCESSED TRIUNE GOD BEING, DEALING WITH OUR CHARACTER ACCORDING TO THE INNER REGULATION OF THE DIVINE LIFE, EXPERIENCING THE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL ASPECTS OF THE DIVINE FELLOWSHIP, THE HORIZONTAL ASPECT OF THE DIVINE FELLOWSHIP BY THE HUMAN SPIRIT, THE DIVINE FELLOWSHIP BEING EVERYTHING IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE, OUR FELLOWSHIP BEING DEEPENED THROUGH THE CROSS, GODS CREATION BEING FOR HIM TO BE ONE WITH MAN, PRODUCING THE CHURCH TO MATCH CHRIST AS HIS COUNTERPART, RECEIVING THE WORSHIP WHICH WE RENDER BY HIS SPIRIT, COMING WITH THE SON TO US AND MAKING AN ABODE WITH US, MAKING US COMPETENT TO BEAR THE MINISTRY OF THE NEW COVENANT, FULFILLING IN POWER OUR EVERY GOOD INTENTION FOR GOODNESS, HAVING WROUGHT US THAT OUR MORTAL BODY MAY BE SWALLOWED UP BY LIFE, XXXVIII. THE NEW JERUSALEM, AS GOD'S HOLY CITY, BEING: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SIX DAYS OF GODS WORK, HOW THE CHURCH COMES INTO BEING AND IS BUILT UP, CHRIST COMING AS THE SEED OF THE WOMAN AND THE BRASS SERPENT, CHRIST ON THE CROSS DEALING WITH SIX ITEMS RELATED TO SATAN, THE FULL MEASURE OF THE REVELATION OF CHRIST, ENJOYING AND EXPERIENCING CHRIST TO BECOME THE CHURCH, THE DANGER OF GIFTS, KNOWLEDGE, AND SPIRITUALITY, THE RIVER OF WATER OF LIFE AND THE TREE OF LIFE, GODS WORK OF BUILDING IN THE NEW CREATION, TWO LINES OF BUILDING IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, THE NEW JERUSALEM BEING A LIVING COMPOSITION OF LIVING PERSONS, THE NEW JERUSALEM AS THE TABERNACLE OF GOD WITH THE TEMPLE, JERUSALEM AND BABYLON IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, GOD AS LIGHT IN THE REDEEMING CHRIST EXERCISING HIS AUTHORITY, THE LORD GOD THE ALMIGHTY AND THE LAMB AS THE TEMPLE, THE RIVER OF WATER OF LIFE PROCEEDING OUT OF THE THRONE OF GOD AND OF THE LAMB, CHRIST AS THE SPIRIT DWELLING IN OUR SPIRIT, THREE THINGS WITH THREE PARTS IN THE BOOK OF HEBREWS, LEARNING TO EXERCISE OUR SPIRIT TO CONTACT CHRIST, PSALM 1THE CONCEPT OF THE SAINTS CONCERNING THE LAW, PSALM 2THE DECLARATION OF GOD CONCERNING CHRIST, PRAISE TO THE KING ABOUT THE QUEEN AND THE CHILDREN, PSALM 46GOD MEETING OUR NEEDS IN THE CITY, PSALM 47GOD IN CHRIST RULING OVER ALL THE EARTH THROUGH THE CITY, PSALM 72CHRIST GAINS THE EARTH BY WATERING, PSALM 73SUFFERINGS OF THE SEEKING SAINTS, PSALM 74THE DESOLATION OF THE HOUSE OF GOD, PSALM 76THE VICTORY OF GOD IN HIS DWELLING PLACE, PSALMS 79 AND 80RESTORATION BY EXALTING CHRIST, PSALMS 81 TO 83GODS INTENTION AND SATANS PLOT, PSALM 90THE SAINTS TAKE GOD AS THEIR DWELLING PLACE, PSALM 92THE RESULTS OF TAKING GOD AS OUR DWELLING PLACE, THE UNITING SPIRIT TYPIFIED BY THE UNITING BARS, CHRIST AS THE REALITY OF THE WAVE OFFERING, THE NEED OF LEVITICUS AND OUR COOPERATION, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MEAL OFFERING AND THE MANNA, THE DIFFERENT APPRECIATIONS OF THE MEAL OFFERING, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RINGS AND THE BARS, IT BEING OF GOD THAT WE ARE IN CHRIST JESUS, THE BIBLICAL REVELATION OF THE EXCELLENT CHRIST, CHRIST BEING FAR SUPERIOR TO ALL THINGS AND MATTERS, CHRIST BEING ALSO SUPERIOR TO ETHICS AND PHILOSOPHY, CHRIST HAVING THE GLORY ALONG WITH THE FATHER IN ETERNITY, RECEIVING OF HIS FULLNESS, AND GRACE UPON GRACE, THE RICHES OF CHRIST BEING THE TRIUNE GOD WITH ALL HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS, THE ACCOMPLISHING OF THE RICHES OF CHRIST, THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST BEING THE OVERFLOW OF GRACE AND REALITY, THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST BECOMING HIS EXPRESSION, WHICH IS THE CHURCH, THE EXPRESSION OF CHRIST BEING THE EXPRESSION OF GOD, CHRISTS BIRTH THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND BY A VIRGIN PROVING THAT HE IS GOD, CHRISTS WORDS TESTIFYING THAT HE IS GOD, CHRISTS AUTHORITY TO FORGIVE SINS PROVING THAT HE IS GOD, CHRISTS RESURRECTION PROVING THAT HE IS GOD, KEEPING OURSELVES IN THE SPIRIT TO ENJOY CHRIST, LIVING IN THE SPIRIT VERSUS IMPROVING OUR BEHAVIOR, TWO DIFFERENT REALMSTHE SPIRIT AND THE SOUL, TURNING TO THE SPIRIT TO ENJOY CHRIST AS LIGHT, THE CONFERENCE IN JERUSALEM CONCERNING RELIGION, THE DOCTRINE OF BALAAM AND THE NICOLAITANS, NO DOCTRINES, NO GIFTS, NO GIFTED PERSONS, THE CHRISTIAN LIFE BEING THE LIFE IN WHICH THE BELIEVERS OF CHRIST, THE CHRISTIAN LIFE BEING ALSO THE LIFE IN WHICH THE CHRISTIANS LIVE CHRIST AND MAGNIFY HIM CORPORATELY, ALL THE CONTENTS HAVING BEEN CONSUMMATED TO BE THE ALL-INCLUSIVE SPIRIT OF LIFE, THE SEVEN SPIRITS, WHO ARE THE SEVEN EYES OF GOD, CONVICTING SINNERS TO REPENT AND BELIEVE IN CHRIST, SANCTIFYING SINNERS IN THE PROCESS OF THEIR REPENTANCE, REGENERATING THE REPENTANT AND BELIEVING SINNERS, ONENESS-KEEPING WITHIN THE BELIEVERS FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST, REVEALING THE DEPTHS OF GOD TO THE BELIEVERS, APPLYING THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST TO THE BELIEVERS, THE DEATH OF CHRIST BEING DIFFERENT FROM THE DEATH OF ADAM, IN THIS SENSE, CHRIST'S RESURRECTION BEING HIS RISING FROM THE DEAD BY HIMSELF, BY HIS RESURRECTION POWER CHRIST CONQUERING DEATH, THE LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT AS THE RESURRECTED, PNEUMATIC CHRIST, THE COMPOUND SPIRIT BEING THE REALITY OF CHRIST'S RESURRECTION, THE DIVINE TITLES OF THE SPIRIT IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, THE SPIRIT WAS NOT YET BEFORE CHRIST'S RESURRECTION. B. This experience involves some basic elements, including proper spiritual food, regular spiritual worship, and deep spiritual growth. Reading the Bible. https://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry/issues/Mar2023-018/ministrybooks-audio-feature.html, The Recovery VersionWhy Another Translation of the Bible, Ministry Excerpts: 2023 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference, instructional video in this months newsletter. to help the saints get into a habit of reading the Life-study messages. Anyone who reads this book should keep in mind the above remarks. He also felt that the book was too perfectly written and too detailed. THE DANITE MOTHER, SIGNIFYING HUMAN EXISTENCE, THE SECULAR SKILL BEING USEFUL FOR GOD'S BUILDING ONLY IN RESURRECTION, THE SECRET TO BEING PERFECTED TO BE A PILLAR, THE LORD'S BLESSING CROSSING MAN'S NATURAL MANEUVERING, MAN'S NATURAL CONCEPT HOLDING BACK THE LORD'S BLESSING HAND, CONCERNING JUDAH THE GLAD TIDINGS OF CHRIST, THE UNIVERSAL BLESSING THE NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH, JOSEPH TRIED BY HIS DREAMS NOT BEING FULFILLED, JOSEPH HAVING THE FAITH AND THE BOLDNESS TO INTERPRET THE DREAMS, JOSEPH CONFIRMED AND STRENGTHENED BY THE FULFILLMENT OF THE DREAMS, JOSEPH RELEASED FROM PRISON INDIRECTLY THROUGH HIS INTERPRETATION, JOSEPH GIVEN AUTHORITY DIRECTLY THROUGH HIS INTERPRETATION, JOSEPH NOT HASTY TO SHOW HIS GLORY TO HIS BROTHERS, THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, IN ITS CONTENT CONCERNING GOD'S. Living Stream Ministry is pleased to make the electronic versions of these seven books freely available. This week we will start week 3 of Crystallization-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, vol. . Therefore, we must walk wisely that we may redeem the time, seizing every available opportunity. The plan has one chapter everyday from Monday through Saturday, and no readings on Lord's day. This means that all 139 volumes . Life's Quenchingthe Need of the Thirsty. All subscribers to this website now have the ability to listen to The Collected Works of Witness Lee in its entirety as well as the Life-study of the entire Bible. Phone: 1-800-549-5164 THE AMALEKITES' OFFENSE TOWARD GOD AGAINST ISRAEL, TESTED AND APPROVED IN TRUSTING GOD AND DEFEATING GOLIATH, SUPPLIED WITH THE HOLY BREAD OF THE PRESENCE AND WITH THE SWORD OF GOLIATH, STAYING IN THE CAVE OF ADULLAM AND IN MIZPEH OF MOAB, DAVID GOING UP FROM THE WILDERNESS OF ZIPH AND REMAINING IN THE STRONGHOLDS OF EN-GEDI, READING 1 AND 2 SAMUEL WITH A VIEW OF GOD'S ECONOMY. 5, No. A video training will also be held locally here in Atlanta, GA. LIVE CHRIST! Announcement. We hope many would read through all these books and feel free to refer others to them. The Bible (Recovery Version) without footnotes is also available for free on, The Maturing in Life Line covers chapters 27 through 30 of. Direct Mail Service (DMS): A subscription allows you to receive the next Holy Word for Morning Revival publication automatically. 1:4), every day is an evil day, full of pernicious things which destroy, injure, and spoil our time. Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Most of the writings of these two servants of the Lord are available online at the LSM website ministrybooks.org. Knowing, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ as Revealed in Philippians. We may be enjoying the presence of the Lord and suddenly be attacked through a negative telephone call. Recently Living Stream Ministry has developed a new feature on www.ministrybooks.org, making an enormous amount of the ministry available in audio format. The plan has one chapter everyday from Monday through Saturday, and no readings on Lord's day. THE NEED OF ALL THE CHURCHES TO BE IDENTICAL IN ESSENCE, THE NEW JERUSALEM BEING A GREAT SIGN OF THE TOTALITY, GENESISGODS DESIRE BEING FOR MAN TO EAT THE TREE OF LIFE, DEUTERONOMYGODS DESIRE BEING FOR MAN TO EAT THE PRODUCE OF CANAAN, THE LORD BECOMING SMALL ENOUGH TO ENTER INTO US, NOT MERELY ASKING THE LORD TO DO THINGS FOR US, BUT EATING THE LORD, THE BREAKING OF BREAD MEETING BEING THE LORDS FEAST, A COMPARISON BETWEEN MANNA AND THE PRODUCE OF CANAAN, ACCEPTING THE DEALINGS IN OUR LIFE TO HAVE A RICH HARVEST, THREE LAYERS IN THE DIVINE REVELATION OF THE BIBLE, NOT A MATTER OF RIGHT OR WRONG, BUT A MATTER OF GOD'S ECONOMY AND DISPENSING, THE BELIEVERS' RECEIVING AND ENJOYING OF CHRIST, THE BELIEVERS' LIVING BEING TO LIVE CHRIST AND TO MAGNIFY CHRIST, THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST, THE WAY TO RECEIVE AND TO ENJOY THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY, THROUGH INCARNATION CHRIST AS THE WORD OF GOD COMING TO BE A MAN WITH GOD, IN REGENERATION CHRIST DISPENSING HIMSELF AS THE SPIRIT OF THE DIVINE LIFE, THE ALL-INCLUSIVE CHRIST AS THE BELIEVERS' PORTION, CHRIST BECOMING THE PASSOVER LAMB AND THE UNLEAVENED BREAD OF THE FEAST, CHRIST BEING THE HEAD TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE BODY AND, THE DISPENSING OF GOD AS THE SUPPLY TO THE BELIEVERS, THE WAY TO SUPPLY AND APPLY THIS LIFE-DISPENSING OF CHRIST IN, THE DIVINE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY IN PRODUCING THE MATERIALS, THE DIVINE DISPENSING IN THE APOSTLE'S STEWARDSHIP OF GRACE, THE DIVINE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY IN CHRIST'S MAKING, THE BELIEVERS' LIVING FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE ORGANIC BODY OF CHRIST, FROM ADAM, THE FALLEN ONE, TO NOAH, THE ONE WHO WORKED TOGETHER WITH GOD, THIS GOD-MAN LIVING A HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH, THE ASCENDED GOD-MAN AS THE HEAD IN HIS ASCENSION, THE PERFECTED SAINTS DIRECTLY BUILDING UP THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTISTTELLING PEOPLE TO REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS WHICH WAS DRAWING NEAR, ENTERING INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD, NOT THROUGH TEACHING BUT THROUGH REGENERATION, THE SON BEING IN THE FATHER AND THE FATHER BEING IN THE SON, THOSE WHO BELIEVE INTO THE SON DOING GREATER WORKSDISPENSING CHRIST THROUGH SPEAKING, THE FATHER SENDING THE SPIRIT IN THE NAME OF THE SON, AND THE SPIRIT COMING WITH THE FATHER AND THE SON, CHRIST AS THE ELEMENT OF THE CORPORATE BREAD, ALL THAT THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE SPIRIT HAVE BEING TRANSMITTED TO US BY THE SPIRIT, OUR SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES NEEDING TO BE IN THE DISPENSING OF THE TRIUNE GOD, THE LEARNING AND EXERCISE NEEDED BY THOSE WHO WORK FOR THE LORD, FELLOWSHIP CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLE OF HAVING A JOB, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE DEACONS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE OTHER BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE WORKERS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE CHURCH AND THE DENOMINATIONS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE BROTHERS AND THE SISTERS, THE NEED OF A BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLICAL TRUTHS, THE NEED OF FURTHER DISCOVERIES AND FURTHER VISIONS, LOCAL ADMINISTRATION YET ONE BODY BEARING ONE TESTIMONY, REGARDING THE ONE BODYTAKING CARE OF THE LORDS TESTIMONY, ONE MOVE THROUGH ONE MINISTRY TO PRODUCE ONE BODY TO BEAR ONE TESTIMONY, ONE MOVE THROUGH ONE MINISTRY TO PRODUCE AND BUILD ONE BODY FOR ONE TESTIMONY, NOT STIRRING UP THE CONCERN OF THE SAINTS, WORKING AND CARING FOR THE LORDS RECOVERY, REMOVING SOMEONE FROM THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE CHURCH, AVOIDING USING THE WORD EXCOMMUNICATION, HAVING NO THOUGHT OF SECURING OUR POSITION, PRACTICING TO BEAR GODS TESTIMONY AS THE RETURNED REMNANT, PREACHING THE GOSPEL, TEACHING THE TRUTH, AND MINISTERING LIFE, THE NEED OF MEETING HALLS AND PERIODIC CONFERENCES, BAPTIZING PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THEIR BELIEVING IN THE LORD, BRINGING THE CHURCH INTO THE PRACTICE OF THE BIBLICAL WAY, GOD'S ADMINISTRATION IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, THE BURDEN TO STAY IN ONE PLACE TO DIRECTLY HELP BUILD UP A LOCAL CHURCH, THE ORGANIC MOVE OF THE LORD IN THE GOSPELS AND THE ACTS, THE EXPERIENCE OF READING THE BREASTPLATE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, THE ORGANIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CHURCHES AND THE WORK, THE NEW WAY TO BUILD UP THE BODY OF CHRIST, CONDEMNING OUR HABIT TO NOT TAKE THE NEW WAY FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE GROWTH IN LIFE ISSUING IN THE PRECIOUS MATERIALS FOR GOD'S BUILDING, THE NEED TO VISIT PEOPLE IN THEIR HOMES WITH THE GOSPEL, TAKING THE SCRIPTURAL WAY FOR THE ORGANIC BUILDING UP, NOT DOING A ROUTINE WORK BUT ENDEAVORING AND LABORING, DROPPING OUR OLD CONCEPTS AND PICKING UP THE NEW VIEW, PRACTICING THE LORD'S PRESENT RECOVERY ACCORDING TO OUR SITUATION, THE NEW TESTAMENT WAY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE, PREACHING THE GOSPEL AS PRIESTS OF THE GOSPEL OF GOD, BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT AND THE WORD TO BE ECSTATIC, PRACTICAL POINTS CONCERNING THE WAY TO GO ON, THE PRESENT TURMOIL IN THE LORD'S RECOVERY, GOD'S PROMISE TO CRUSH SATAN UNDER THE FEET OF THE LOCAL CHURCHES, THE ONENESS PARTLY OF THE FAITH AND PARTLY, THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE ONENESS OF THE CHURCH AS THE UNIQUE BODY OF CHRIST, THE BASE OF THE PRACTICE OF THE PROPER ONE ACCORD IN THE CHURCH, SPIRITUALITY OR SCRIPTURAL TEACHING NOT TO BE USED AS A CLOAK FOR DIVISION. 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Sana Namaz Bangla, Reynaldo Rosales Wife, Xiao Baba Richard Yang, How Many Libyans Died In Benghazi, Articles M

ministrybooks org collected works