商品名 | leg0 City 2020 Advent Calendar 60268 Playset, Includes 6 leg0 City Adventures TV series Characters, Miniature Builds, City Play Mat, and Many More Fun and Festive Features 342 Pieces |
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商品コメント | The leg0 City Advent Calendar 60268 is a great introduction to the exciting world of leg0 City and the leg0 City Adventures TV series; Kids aged 5 and up can enjoy fun imaginative play throughout the holiday seasonComes with 24 gifts, including Christmas tree and Santas sleigh miniature builds, 6 leg0 City Adventures TV series minifigures, including Chief Wheeler with Santa costume, plus a city play mat with snow-cleared roadsKids can count down to the big day with this leg0 City Advent Calendar, containing festive builds, leg0 City TV series minifigure characters and a snowy city play mat where they build their own Christmassy adventuresThis Advent Calendar is ideal for fans of the leg0 City Adventures TV series aged 5 and up, and kids who love creative playThe leg0 City Advent Calendar measures over 2 7cm high, 14 38cm long and 10 26cm wide |
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