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explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients

Therefore, it is important to do everything possible to put the patient at ease, * Main communication for most practices When most employees follow policy and procedure most of the time, most of the companys transactions will unfold in the same waywhich, in a roundabout way, helps compliance and audit teams to identify transactions not happening in the usual way. We are not referring here to the emergency case, but rather the call for an immediate appointment because of impending travel or personal convenience. Full name, phone numbers at home and work (with extension number if necessary), reason for the visit, and dates and times of appointments are the important elements that should be recorded in a record book after they have been verified as correct. Anything that requires repair or servicing should be noted. How will you access and/or transmit this info complying with HIPAA rules? When patients do this, there is a breakdown in the doctor-patient relationship reflecting that the patient questions your authority, competence, or sincerity. * compose on computer If that person is polite and courteous, patients are more likely to call back and return to the medical practice. If your assistant has an urgent question, message, or special caller on the phone, there are a number of methods that can be used to communicate this to you such as a chime, a light system, or a polite knock on the door. This will prevent numerous errors that would require many telephone calls and apologies to change scheduled appointments. CAUSATIVE FACTORS * Avoid jargon Itineraries (Travel) Assistant: All patients do not need to be x-rayed, but the necessity must be discussed with the doctor in light of each patient's individual needs. False. The importance of allowing the correct amount of time for each patient and their needs cannot be overemphasized. It describes how particular activities are to be conducted. Such stern expressions as, "What can I do for you?" Time is often borrowed from other patients such as prophylactic cases or unworthy patients. Documentation Boosts Productivity. There are cards, double cards, sheets, and multiple-page forms. If one staff member attends to part of a letter before it is sent to someone else for further action, a paragraph that has had attention should be noted, dated, and initialed (eg, Did 6/17 JM). Enclosures. Each contact with a doctor or any of the office team, no matter how minute, has one of two reactions. Supply storage, ordering, and purchasing procedures It is the price we must pay to assure our future. Duty Schedules and the Procedural Manual Frustrating! The objective is to see that each practice day represents a minimum of unproductive time. When a charge is made or a payment is received, the transaction is recorded first on the daily control sheet and then on the patient's account card, and this information is used in preparing monthly Each doctor develops a list of particular specialists to whom he or she refers patients for specialized attention (Fig. This is the DC's moral and professional obligation, even if you know that your constructive suggestions may be going in one ear of the patient and out the other. When it comes to collecting a patient payment, it helps to understand the patient's situation. This is better than, "The doctor will see you soon" or "The doctor will be with you in a few minutes." Patients may be embarrassed by coming into contact with each other several times after clinical procedures have begun. the provider will be seeing patients in the afternoon, and the re are a couple of same-day appointments available on your schedule. * Track to show patterns NOTE: Because the cost of computers and software have continued to decline since the 90's when the above was written, and because of the convenience of combining billing, faxing, e-mail, and word processing all in once convenient location, computers are the most efficient tool for man office procedures. Frequently, however, answers to polite questions will offer your assistant the information necessary to arrive at a competent judgment whether the patient should be "squeezed in" a full schedule or scheduled the next day. ), "He hasn't arrived yet" (Tardy? The efficiency of almost your entire practice can be greatly aided through a well-planned appointment schedule. Referral procedures you offer her an appointment for later that day, but she insists that it must be now. Distribution. * Greet patients by name: last name, title There is usually no reason to retain the envelope unless the letter does not contain a return address or if the addresses do not match. A control sheet offers a means to analyze the quantity of such occurrences. Office subscription handling Establish a rapport. In addition, laws change over time and vary by jurisdiction. Her OB/GYN physician has determined that she needs to have a total abdominal hysterectomy. Daily dusting, polishing, sweeping, and spot removing are usually necessary, and special attention should be given to the tidiness, cleanliness, and supplies of the toilet rooms. What letters an assistant will write above her signature and what letters she will prepare for your signature is a matter of your office policy. A good rule of thumb is to order a 4-month supply if it is profitable. refers to blocking off time slots in a paper schedule with an "X" or having specified time period automatically blocked out in the computers schedule screen. After the patient is examined, you will record or dictate the results of your physical examination, orthopedic and neurologic findings, spinal analysis, x-ray and laboratory findings, and other data necessary to profile the patient's condition. Equipment service procedures OFFICE POLICIES & PROCEDURES FOR OUR PATIENTS . how much time is required to see this patient? This, naturally, takes considerable tact by the assistant in handling calls made at different times. If a check is received that is marked "in full settlement of account" or "final payment on account" and the amount is below the account's balance, your assistant should immediately call this to your attention. Doctor-Gathered Data. It is important that anticipated irregularities to your recommended appointment schedule be explained to the patient and a means sought to assure regularity. Mrs. Anderson says that's fine, but that she will have to check with the school to see if her daughter can be excused early that day. If mistakes have occurred while metering, the meter stamps not used will be refunded or credited at the post office. may invite a problem. I've entered your name on my calendar for a time reservation at 10:30 in the morning on next Tuesday. This indicates consideration about appointments in the near future, and serves to act as a commitment between office and patient. flexible and medical savings accounts are established by employers to set aside a portion of an employees pretaxable income for use during the calendar year to pay for projected medical expenses or prescription medications. Some assistants get lax or carried away when they are spending another person's money. Letters from patients or about patients' health status and laboratory and pathology reports of patients should be attached to the patient's clinical file. An assistant properly trained in screening the mail and processing routine requests will save you a considerable amount of valuable time. 4. single-booking Reminder calendars, available in various sizes, serve the same function as a tickler file. No goals, no deadlines, no failure! The object is for an assistant to know what the doctor expects and what to expect from the doctor. At the end of each month, the quantities on hand can be counted. 3.2). Invoices for office expenses, for example, should be filed under "Bills Payable," and then transferred to the "Taxes" file after they are paid. blood profile B by Corporate Relations and Business Strategy Staff. Each call is something special to the caller and should be handled as such. To impress an appointment on the mind of the caller, your assistant might say: "Fine, Mrs. Andrews. Could you come in Thursday?" Sometimes a concerned relative, neighbor, or coach of a patient will call seeking information. SORTING AND PROCESSING Determine your patient's readiness to learn. Your assistant should give a reasonable explanation as to why the appointment must be changed. Purchasing and Inventory Controls Following are the benefits of documentation for the workplace. Advocate on behalf of patients Domain 2: Affective (Behavior) 1. As few patients want a hurried visit or enjoy waiting a long period only to be rushed in and out, most patients will ask what time the doctor can see them the next day. Efficient time management requires that definite plans be based on your objectives and standards. what type of appointment is most appropriate for this patient? Planning Strategies The habitually late patient is a much more serious problem. Papers within a subject folder should be arranged by date, with the most current date in front. Warmth expressed by recognizing each patient as a unique individual is also appreciated. The ring of the telephone should be answered with sincere interest, warmth, courtesy, helpfulness, and understanding. Proper telephone technique is expressed in voice quality, volume, pitch, pronunciation, rhythm, emphasis, and rapidity of speech. When a patient did not have the courtesy to call to change or cancel an appointment, a letter can be sent to the patient who does not have a telephone. * Print appointments, * Check restrooms From the time patients enter your office until they leave your office, every procedure should be planned to support the best interests of each patient. Permanent ledger sheets Furnishings inventory sheets To be efficient as a professional, delegate much of your authority and responsibility for many office details to assistants so that your time will be used optimally in doing that for which you have been specially prepared --helping the sick to get well and the healthy to stay well. First aid should always be extended upon request, however. Memo Files Policy and Procedural Changes PATIENT ORIENTATION TO APPOINTMENT POLICIES Business office repair service This will avoid stress and inefficient services. In addition to gaining informed consent and substantiating the medical necessity, you should explain to the patient and differentiate between therapeutic, rehabilitative, and maintenance care necessary in your judgment. If this becomes of interest, an appointment can be set up with you for an in-depth interview where the salesperson can present full information of the product or service. While community standards are important considerations, they should not be the sole factor to consider. Warning signs are seen when debt exceeds forecasts, supplier relations become strained, or when funds are not available to take advantage of an opportunity requiring cash. * Stay close to appointment time The Mystery Caller. and has a cough. It is important in establishing a practice, and it is important periodically after your practice has been established. Depending upon the quality of this approach, either positive or negative impressions will be made. One important function of an assistant is to telephone patients for periodic spinal examinations or for appointments that have been long standing. TARDY SERVICE A daily record serves as a check on the receipt and disposition of mail that may get misplaced (Fig. * Acceptable use of internet, * cover sheet * Avoid by scheduling efficiently. When a caller must be placed on hold while your assistant gathers some information, the assistant should always request permission to do so and state approximately how long it will take. Petty cash should be placed in a safe, and all necessary vaults, cabinets, desk drawers, and files that have locks should be secured. Assistant: All patients do not need to be x-rayed, but the necessity must be discussed with the doctor in light of each patient's individual needs. has had a positive treatmill test that suggests an underlying cardiac condition. Most services can answer the telephone in the doctor's name or name of the practice. Responsibility should be delegated slowly and only after efficiency has been demonstrated. When a telephone hour is formally specified, office policy usually requires that telephone appointments not be scheduled during that time nor are progress reports or inquiries accepted at times other than that specified. This takes discipline because life presents many distractions and invitations to procrastinate. Personal calls of staff should be limited to emergencies and made as brief as possible. COPIES Another type of patient presents a history calling for a complete rehabilitation program, but for one reason or another, such a schedule is not possible at the time. 3.27), and patient folders or pockets should be used to hold all records of a patient or topic. Patient Progress and Inquiry Calls Basic Concepts preferences in the patient's records for reference. * Proofread Although your assistant should always give the impression that you are always readily available, she should not ask you to take the call immediately unless she feels it is absolutely necessary. The ideal number would be an inventory of records and forms that would offer the least number of items in stock which would allow the simplest and most efficient method of practice management. Subconsciously, many fear making specific plans. The goal for both you and your assistant should be a smooth flow of patients with as little loss of time and effort as possible. From reducing the likelihood of client misunderstandings about matters like scheduling, payment and cancellations, to streamlining personnel management and setting clear expectations for your staff, your policies and procedures are one tool for managing the risk inherent in running a business. It is important that the receptionist register each patient in the order of arrival for several reasons. He asked me to call, extend his apologies, and see if we can arrange another time for you on Tuesday or Thursday. elizabeth jones, age 76, is an established patient in your family practice office. In policies related to termination of employment, avoid using undefined, catch-all terms such as "just cause" which may open the door for wrongful termination lawsuits. Regardless of the nature of the patient's complaint, you should meet with the patient after the history and examination findings have been evaluated to discuss professional opinions and recommendations for treatment or referral to another practitioner. INSURANCE The word "convention" should be avoided as it has a negative connotation to many people. Contingency plans should be at hand to meet uncertain effects. CLOSING ROUTINES You can carry a pad of printed housecall slips that are filled out at each residence visited. Preferably, this should be within another cabinet or at least another drawer. Other information most important to technical assistants are the established clinical procedures and samples of pertinent forms. Likewise, a definite policy does not necessarily mean a fixed policy. Likewise, you must expect the patient to cooperate by following your recommendations. The exposure factors and other basic data involved are usually kept in a separate log (Fig. The test of good records is a presentation that a knowledgeable third party (eg, consultant) can easily obtain all pertinent facts about a patient's condition, treatment, and progress. the child has been seen before. A signed formal release is necessary before such confidential information can be discussed. Patients with undependable appointment habits must be frequently re-educated to the importance of their time reservations. Scheduling Preferences. (2) acute case, Subdividing enhances organization and rapid retrieval. The best prevention is if it's worth remembering, it's worth a written notation. Heavy or specialized cleaning such as carpet cleaning, floor maintenance, window cleaning, furniture waxing, and wall and woodwork scrubbing are usually best performed by a commercial cleaning service. Such confusion can be avoided if the caller who telephoned while the scheduling assistant was away from her desk was informed that the assistant in charge of scheduling would return her call in a few minutes. Professional Referrals. The report usually concludes with a statement of the doctor's clinical judgment of the case, recommendations for therapy, and prognosis based upon the recommendations. The expression, "How are you today?" It is the chief way patients communicate with the provider. Steadily increasing levels of debt can usually be traced to decreasing patient volume, poor collections, low profit margin, increasing expenses, or overinvestment in fixed assets. Avoid the temptation to alter a course of action that is on schedule in hopes that success will be more rapid through risky innovation. Procedures tells employees how to deal with a situation and when. A policy is a basic statement, principle, or predetermined guideline covering a limited area on which the practice operates and serves to achieve its objectives. Although clinical skills and quality services are the foundation in developing a successful practice, the psychologic impressions made upon patients in their association with the office are almost equally as important. Financial arrangement form They might even feel that they were the victim of some type of "high-pressure salesmanship." In contrast to telephone reminders, most doctors do prefer the use of mailed reminders (Fig. If you are an examiner, an insurance company will refer applicants for life insurance to your practice for examination prior to approving the policy requested. That is, policies and procedures bring anomalous events into sharper relief. In any event, it is important to determine how long the patient expects to be in the area when scheduling appointments. (2) when the average number of recall visits declines or plateaus, They set the stage for all else that follows in the office. All equipment should be wiped or dusted, and appropriate instruments should be placed in a sterilizer. CALLS YOUR ASSISTANT CAN RESOLVE ECONOMIC FACTORS Here are some sample runs: What are three tasks that have to be done before closing the office for the day? A patient suffering a painfully acute disorder will probably require more time than a patient with a subacute disorder. Nevertheless, documentation offers the best record of what was done, when it was done, and its effects. Valuable clinical time can be wasted if you must answer routine telephone calls, make appointments, supervise patient flow, send out statements and reminders, file records, and tend to all the various duties necessary to administer and manage the business side of the practice. Calls requiring back-up information (eg, lab reports) should be separated from those that do not. The office copy of a purchase order will automatically file information as to the name of the supplier, what was ordered, the quantity, the cost, and the delivery date. This documents proof that the mailing was received by someone at the residence in case of certified mail or was personally received by the addressee in case of registered mail. If they had little interest, they would not be in the office. Is there good balance between new patients and recalls? One test of a good assistant is the way she handles calls when under pressure, when the last thing she needs to hear is the ring of the telephone. 3.13) You may be an examiner for or a consultant to one or more insurance companies. Step-by-step solution This problem hasn't been solved yet! Caller: I would like to speak with Dr. Smith. It also helps to create a desire for more information. Skillful communication is essential to health care. When patients walk into a professional office, they expect to enter a calm atmosphere that is well managed. Leases (Contracts) This will avoid a possibly serious error. single-booking. Why is the telephone important to the medical office? Daily Routines Some doctors expect an assistant to handle nearly all correspondence except those of a strictly clinical nature. Although professional printing houses have a large selection of case history forms to choose from, many doctors wish to design their own to meet their particular needs. As first-class postage rates are determined by the ounce, so second-ounce stamps (which are about half the cost of first-class stamps) should be kept on hand. The typical format of a daily record for outgoing correspondence is a three-ring binder to hold letter-size forms. In addition, defective or contaminated clinical supplies may cause harm to a patient and impose a legal liability. Front office staff are in a good position to begin the discussion. 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explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients