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what did padme say when she died

Due to her efforts, Amidala won the praise and goodwill of Duchess Kryze. [41], Following the hostage crisis, Amidala and Skywalker decided to take some time off. However, she gave in and married Skywalker in secret. Amidala's ship is caught by the Malevolence's tractor beam. Padm jumped onto the reek, behind Anakin and kissed his cheek. After he disconnected, Sanandrassa advised Amidala that Palpatine was her best resource. [19] When Naberrie was seven, she traveled with her father to Shadda-Bi-Boran to help relocate the population in the wake of an ecological disaster. But Stin told her that she'd be dead too. WebHow did she "fail" her? They learned that the ore was mined in the river next to the factory and strengthened the battle droids' armor making them invulnerable, something that could change the Clone Wars forever. She was a million miles away from him when she died. Tobruna proposed changing an outdated treaty that forced Kreeling to sell ore to Naboo at a fixed price that was not fair, to which Amidala compassionately responded that she would attempt to change the trend of using the ore unnecessarily to decorate the instruments such as the hallikset. Skywalker, seeing Sidious as the only way to save his wife, pledged himself to the dark side. With her dying breath, she insisted that there was still good in the former Anakin Skywalker, who embraced the persona of Darth Vader throughout the reign of the Empire. Amidala later attended a conference on the planet Alderaan that had been convened by Senator Bail Organa to address the plight of wartime refugees. Died As her ship set down in the hangar bay, Amidala rigged it to blow in the hopes that it might take Grievous with it. Having found out about the planned meeting from Sab and her sources, Padm decided to switch places with Sab in order to hear their conversation. Following a protracted pursuit throughout the Senate Building's corridors, Bane's associates managed to capture the Jedi Knight. Horrified at what her husband had become, Amidala implored Vader to turn back, stating that he was breaking her heart. Amidala, remembering that her sister Sola had completed an apprenticeship, agrees that resurrecting the program would be beneficial, to which Kelma promised to help with the grain shortage in return. Thanks to a bargain Qui-Gon Jinn had made with Watto, Skywalker was freed from slavery and allowed to accompany the Jedi in their travel. Meanwhile, Amidala was talking with Skywalker in her office. Chronological and political information [16] The queen ventured with her companions into the spaceport of Mos Espa, which Qui-Gon Jinn described as a haven for "those who do not wish to be found." She had her babies and died shortly after. But the Separatists found out about his meeting with her and sent an assassin to kill him and Amidala. He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will swiftly learn he's into British politics too. She waved to it, with the hopes that it was someone who'd let her in. When Palpatine refused, Bane retaliated by locking down the entire building and severing all communications with the outside world. Height Kelma commented on Karlinus' labor shortage, offering to hire Naboo workers to take seasonal jobs on the planet in addition to young students taking apprenticeships on her planet. Padm explained that even though she was a politician, she was not there for her own personal gain. Before she could reveal the plot behind the assassination attempts on Amidala, Wesell was killed by Jango Fett using a Kamino dart. But that jump she made sure must have hurt. Human (Naboo)[1] Leia told Panaka that she had been told that her biological father died in one of the last battles of the Clone Wars and her birth mother was badly injured and lived only long enough to deliver her. He adored her from age nine and she could trust that he would always adore her, if after 10 years, he still did. [76] Amidala eventually appeared onscreen for the first time in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, played by actress Natalie Portman. [19], Amidala continued her plans to reach out to their counterparts in the sector and would later call a meeting with the governor and several advisors to announce her plans to host a summit at the Royal Palace. In reality, Jerec had rejected Republic military intervention and stressed that it was an internal matter for the Mandalorians to handle alone. Determined to not succumb to Trade Federation pressure, she vowed to not sign the treaty and instead worked to organize defenses. Amidala was imprisoned to await Gunray's arrival, while Threepio was scheduled to be scrapped and Binks evaded arrest. Amidala was then rescued by C-3PO, who brought in Coruscant Guard Commander Fox and his troopers. "[99] This similarity led some to conclude that Padm's own surname, Naberrie, appears to be a homonym, considering that she eventually gives birth to Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. After securing the senators, Bane issued an ultimatum to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and demanded the release of Ziro the Hutt. [64], After that, they had Tarmin (who was disguised as Padm) walk outside with Padm's handmaidens seemingly unprotected to trick the assassin, but Padm would ambush the assassin and shoot her. Padm rushed over to him, lamenting that she hadn't shown up earlier. The Motion was beneficial to dozens of Mid Rim systems beside just Bromlarch, engineered to sway the votes of important voting blocs such as Malastare's senator Aks Moe. [22] Although she was not the youngest sovereign ever elected,[10] it had been a long time since a Naboo queen had been as young as her,[19] and she would later question her own maturity at the time of her election. WebHe was clearly saddened when she died. She/her[1] When she gave birth at the end of Episode III, it may have caused problems with her pelvis (since that could happen during delivery) At hearing this, Tarmin let them in but told them that it wasn't safe for them there. While Tri'vak begged the Hutt for mercy, Ventress stabbed the senator in the back and used her lightsabers to shatter a nearby window, leaping out into space and escaping in her Ginivex-class fanblade starfighter. When meeting with Panaka Leia wore the jubilation dress that Amidala once wore and upon seeing the princess Panaka became shocked, likely seeing the similarities between Leia and Amidala, and some of the tea in the mug he was holding splashed onto the floor. [44], Amidala and her husband participated in the Battle of Mon Cala,[46][47][48] and then a skirmish on Naboo. After successfully sneaking out, Amidala and her friends made it to the concert, but there, Harli accidentally spilled a glitter-lit on her, making her clothes and hands stained with the glittering chemicals inside. When Amidala asked Skywalker about his thoughts on the mission, he expressed his discomfort with Ventress. Amidala declined since she was too focused on her work as a senator. Amidala then remembered that Vindi had given a little droid the bomb. She liked that even when she was pretending to be one of her handmaidens and not "the queen," that he thought she was "an angel." Johnston's novelQueen's Shadow, the funeral guests were united in their grief forPadm, and they resolved to find out the true story of her death. Not long after her coronation, Rillata asked Amidala to serve as the representative for Naboo and the other worlds in the Chommell sector in the Galactic Senate, a request that Amidala ultimately accepted. The Clabronian said that he couldn't. They managed to locate the sacred place where the Gungans had taken refuge after evacuating their city of Otoh Gunga. Additionally, Master Qui-Gon Jinn was killed during his duel with the Sith Lord Darth Maul. More:Star Wars: How Disney Has Improved The Phantom Menace. But Padm, a staunch believer in democracy, knew better than to push the boundaries of power. "[17], As a child, she baked every day[18] and traveled with her father on relief missions to offer aid to suffering planets. Having once again assumed the identity of a handmaiden, the queen journeyed through the swamps of Naboo with her party. 3) Bail Organa's second wife, who adopted Leia after marriage to Organa and raised Leia for most of Leia's life until the destruction of Alderan. After Padme died, Anakin had already fully committed to the dark side. Amidala would wear one of her fanciest outfits, which had been designed by Eirtae, for the state dinner. Padme died of a broken heart. However, by the end of the Invasion of Naboo, Amidala reciprocated Anakin's friendship; she helped him to cope with leaving his mother Shmi behind on Tatooine while Skywalker gave her a japor snippet so she could have good fortune. [5] Padm then joined a group of senators that were wary of Palpatine's policies and discussed ways of stopping him. Well, that's how I see it anyway. Padme dies in Star Wars episode III: Revenge of the Sith of a broken heart caused by Anakins betrayal joining the dark side and is said to have lost her will to live, [97] Some theorizing that "Amidala" is a variant of "Amitabha," which means a spiritual manifestation. At that point, Master Yoda arrived with the newly christened Grand Army of the Republic, and the Battle of Geonosis began in earnest. Highlights of the Saga: The Empire Strikes Back! He also learned that the Separatists had built a droid army to attack the Republic and that the Republic had at its disposal an army of clone troopers supposedly commissioned by the long-deceased Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Padme simply died after giving birth to her children. Padm Amidala was first mentioned in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Naberrie was very fond of the Rodian, whom she referred to as "Uncle Ono. When everyone split up, the Naboo senator and Binks found the droid. Warning: SPOILERS forStar Wars: Darth Vader #2. [10] With Skywalker able to remain on Naboo[28] for a few short days[29] to recover from his injuries sustained on Geonosis, the couple were able to enjoy a honeymoon and a time after it together before needing to return to the jobs[28] that would take them across a wartorn galaxy. Amidala and Tano contacted Skywalker and Kenobi on the surface, telling them not to open the lab, so as to prevent the virus escaping. Realizing that Skywalker loved Amidala, Clovis let himself die in order to save Amidala.[59]. [10] The two both made mistakes that revealed the truth of themselves to the other. In the novelization,Padm was the one who foresaw the rise of the Empire, and she recommended these senators became conspirators. [86] Amidala could be seen as fearless when she refused additional security to protect herself from assassins. [13], While Count Dooku publicly supported the motion, he gave secret orders for General Grievous to deposit a group of droids disguised as sanitary units on Coruscant to commit acts of sabotage. Later, Skywalker confessed to Amidala his despair and anger and what he had done, and she attempted to comfort him. [57], After the Chiss was presented to the newcomers by Skywalker, the group created a plan to retrieve Skywalker's lightsaber, which involved Thrawn and the senator going alone to the roof to retrieve the lightsaber. [40], Amidala facing Cad Bane during the Senate hostage crisis, While Amidala and Skywalker were arranging a party for her colleague Senator Aang, they discovered that they were short on jogan fruit, an essential ingredient in jogan fruitcake. Once the artifact was hooked upon the Aeon Engine, Padme's face began to emerge with her voice repeating her same words from long ago, indicating that there was the possibility that the ritual could work. C-3PO Padm met C-3PO on Tatooine when she was queen of Naboo. Unfortunately, the effort resulted in failure, as the Shadda-Bi-Boran could not adapt to their new homeworld. Padme simply died after giving birth to her children. As a result of Skywalker's fear of loss, he was seduced by the dark side of the Force, believing that by becoming a Sith Lord he would gain the power to prevent his wife from dying in childbirth. There she asked for Kuseph Jovi. She, Skywalker, and R2-D2 departed aboard the AA-9 Freighter-Liner Jendirian Valley, a refugee ship[10] leaving from the western spaceport of Port Quarter. Their subsequent interactions were limited throughout the Clone Wars, with Amidala continuing to advocate peaceful solutions in the Senate while Skywalker served on the front lines as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. While there, Leia saw the mural of her birth mother and believed that she saw it move, however, as it appeared no one else saw it she merely dismissed it as an illusion. After his funeral, Palpatine summoned her and Farr's aide Lolo Purs to his office, where Inspector Tan Divo revealed Farr had been poisoned. However, her secret marriage to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker would have a lasting effect on the future of the galaxy for decades to come. [35], After following a tainted water stream, Amidala and Binks came across a hatch which they proved unable to open. Skywalker cut the shuttle in half, releasing himself, Amidala and the droids onto the sloped roof of the Senate building. [10], Amidala fends off the nexu with her chains, The execution of Amidala, Skywalker, and Kenobi was to be carried out by several creatures brought into the arena: a reek, an acklay, and a nexu. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! On the tour, Amidala had to take painkillers when her period caused her considerable pain, which also forced Sab into a position to double her. Amidala listened to the meeting as a page, but when she had to run a message to the kitchen, Harli spotted her. Clovis, in turn, believed that Amidala wanted to resurrect their relationship and brought her to a Separatist meeting. However, Skywalker purposely left Clovis behind to face the wrath of Dod. However, Amidala learned that it was all a trap when she came out in the middle of a battle between the Republic fleet and the Confederacy's heavy cruiser, the Malevolence. Amidala was comforted by Bibble, who said ambassadors from Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum would be arriving the next day. Born [84] However, the gowns were thrown into hyperspace by Terex of the First Order after he stole Organa's ship on Cato Neimoidia.[78]. [57], In the meantime, Amidala's husband, Anakin Skywalker had been captured by Duke Solha, a fellow politician that Amidala had met while the former was in the Republic. "As fate tried to dictate her response, as love almost diverted her from her quest, she remained She protested, but Clovis and the Muuns ignored her. That had been a good days work. She, Clovis, and Padm volunteered to go to Bromlarch and assess the damage, Jedi master Depa Billaba accompanying them, and afterward Bromlarch's senator Caelor Gaans felt no other choice but to accept due to Palpatine's seeming apathy over the situation. [19], As the ambassadors arrived, the Trade Federation sent a large invasion force of battle droids. [16] Amidala entered the Senate in the same year as Senator Rush Clovis of Scipio,[18] and as a result they went through the Senate's six-week orientation program together. At the end of those six months, Organa invited Padm and her retinue to Alderaan on behalf of Queen Breha Organa to spend a week of their furlough before returning home to Naboo. After the battle, they were later secretly married. As the last ships left, a buoy in the planet's atmosphere was triggered. Queen Amidala recognized that she had not fooled Master Qui-Gon for a moment, but he went along with her story, which allowed her to continue fooling everyone else. Padms death in Revenge of the Sith was always a mess. In preparation for her public appearance before the Republic Senate, she met with Senator Palpatine, who represented the Naboo system in that governing body. After helping a Logistics droid named D3-O9, Amidala and Skywalker observed Tri'vak as he hurriedly returned to his cabin. When Anakin was turned into the robotic creature known as Darth Vader, he asked Emperor Palpatine Clovis refused to lend any more credits for the Separatists to build a new droid foundry on Geonosis. However, knowing that Anakin had turned to the Dark Side, Amidala was weak and heartbroken. With the help of Anakin Skywalker, Amidala's husband, Clovis did all to ensure Amidala's survival, yet Skywalker left him behind. Once dinner had finished, Clovis took Amidala on a tour of the palace. Amidala then subdued one of her guards, took its weapon, and held Ziro at gunpoint. Additionally, the Naboo had to decide whether or not to install defensive weaponry on the planet. Before Amidala left, Satine suggested sending an undercover Jedi agent to investigate the Royal Academy of Government, and Amidala promised to bring the matter before Master Yoda.[39]. Amidala suggested having more than one in her retinue, and Panaka readily agreed. [66] Darth Vader, upon being rescued by Darth Sidious and placed in a life-support suit, asked about his wife. At the time when Padme was 6, she was sent to a Jedi Academy as she became part of the Jedi Order with her other older brother, Ren. Before Leia and Queen Daln left Panaka's chalet, Panaka told Leia he would speak to Emperor Palpatine about her saying that he should know that the Organas 'adopted a daughter of such distinction'. Hair color As a sign of trust, the real Amidala decided to reveal her identity, which surprised not only the Gungans, but also all of her companions. She could tell from the wounds to Duja's body that she had been murdered despite the bartender telling her that she was killed in a speeder bike accident. The queen then knelt in front of Boss Nass, asking for help in battling the Federation troops. Medically healthy humans don't die for no good reason But she wasn't " medically healthy ". However, since Skywalker was committed to the Jedi Order and Amidala to the Senate, they both agreed to forgo pursuing a more romantic relationship. [57], On the roof of the building, Amidala and Thrawn retrieved Skywalker's lightsaber, they also witnessed some spheres which descended onto the factory, which were part of a Chiss mission to retrieve a deflector shield generator from the factory. Skin color While on Naboo, Skywalker started experiencing Force visions of his mother in danger. Anakin then saw Obi-Wan, who had snuck aboard Amidala's ship, and believing that his wife had betrayed him, and ignoring her protests on the matter, strangled Amidala with the Force until he was ordered to release her by Obi-Wan. According to the (Disney Canon) " Star Wars in 100 Scenes " book, she died from losing the will to live . Apparently that's a thing you can die o While trying to break the blockade of Federation battleships deployed around the planet, the ship was damaged. Due to Tano's efforts to rescue her, Amidala developed a warm friendship with her. Actually quite well. [19] Queen Amidala was captured along with the rest of the population of Theed and placed Camp Four. [3], After their first week together, the handmaidens practiced with Sab as the queen. For years, many fans of Star Wars have questioned the logic of how Padme Amidala died in Revenge of the Sith , which claimed she died from a broken heart. tilley31 May 30, 2022 at 18:42 Add a comment -2 I think Padme picked Luke because it means light, maybe she thought the baby would ground Anakin in the light. Amidala and the Naboo Security Forces fight for control of the palace. At first, Amidala tried to get the bomb nicely back from the droid, but the droid growled at them and tried to run away with it. Being that Dooku was a powerful Sith Lord, the Jedi Council, the Chancellor and Amidala found it difficult to believe that mere pirates could capture him. [18], Upon arriving on Cato Neimoidia, Amidala and Clovis were greeted by the Trade Federation Senator Lott Dod, who arranged for his servants to show Amidala to her quarters. Palpatine offered to send Senators Bail Organa and Padm Amidala but Julia instead insisted the help of Representative Binks. Following a struggle, Skywalker rescued them. Afterwards, Burtoni's bill was approved. As they relaxed in the Climate Simulator, Skywalker suddenly sensed Ventress on the ship and realized that she was there to extract Tri'vak. Before being queen, Padm put the work in and trained in politics so that even as a young teen, she was prepared for the task ahead of her when elected. Vader, once again Anakin Skywalker, died as a result of the injuries he sustained in killing the Emperor, but not before proving Amidala's final words correct; there was still good within Darth Vader. During his meeting with Leia and Queen Daln Panaka asked Leia questions about her adoption and her birth parents. Due to the machinations of her advisor, Senator Sheev Palpatine, Amidala's reign was put to the test by the Trade Federation's blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo. RELATED: Did Darth Vader Know That Leia Was His Daughter? After she learned of her husband's transformation into a Sith, she confronted him on Mustafar in the hopes that he had not truly changed, but he instead attempted to kill her. He then left for the planet Mustafar to put an end to the leaders of the Separatist Alliance. While Kenobi was forced to delegate the rescue of 3PO to R2, to ensure that the hyperdrive stayed offline, Skywalker and Amidala made their way to the bridge to make adjustments to the navicomputer that would cause the Malevolence to fly into a moon. She began to utter some of the last words that Vader had heard her tell him long ago. Soon after, the Republic fleet commanded by Anakin Skywalker arrived and started attacking Dooku's forces. Resulting in the explosive force doing more than merely collapsing the mine's tunnels. Affiliation(s) As such, she admitted to Sab that she hated her prejudice as well. Their tour saw Amidala visit many of the fields that she had decided to allow to rot. Koss assured Queb that Amidala was there to look into Krystar's agricultural problems. After interrogating the school's superintendent, they learned that the school had sourced the tea from a middleman named Siddiq, who was employed by a shipping company. They had entered the factory through the service level which was usually unprotected and only them and the Separatists knew of. She was accompanied by R2-D2 and Skywalker, who was aggressive towards Clovis during the trip for flirting with his wife. Padm Amidala Naberrie was a human female senator who represented the people of Naboo during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Padme was led in this orientation by a Republic protocol droid, NON-3. Instead, she headed to the door and asked the shadow (who was a native Clabronian) to let them in. As the Outer Rim Sieges raged on, Amidala had fewer opportunities to see her husband. While speaking with one another, the two discussed Anakin's absence due to his service in the Outer Rim Sieges, as well as concerns over Rex's motives behind the mission to find Echo. After a fight between Clovis and Anakin, Captain Typho entered the room and informed them that a medical droid was on its way. The group later arrived at the detention block, defeated the droid guards and found the Chiss and Jedi Knight inside. When their relationship started to become romantically charged, however, Amidala chose to focus on her duties as senator and ended it, a decision to which Clovis reacted poorly, ceasing talking with her. I am more powerful than the chancellor I can overthrow him, and then you and I can rule the galaxy make things we wont them to be. Who's to say that "humans" who lived in a galaxy far far away, long long ago, are the same as the humans watching the films? Do we have midichloria Thrawn and Skywalker teamed up to defeat the duke and his forces. 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what did padme say when she died