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sermon on galatians 6:9

I have often thought of this story, as conveying an instructive lesson to the Christian. Christians are the pledged disciples of the Great Worker in this field of holy exertion. )Be not wearyC. Watson.It is a strange sight, to see a busy devil, and an idle Christian.2. (3)Our reaping is absolutely certain.Application:1. Let us not be in greater haste.II. VI. No doubt the work is hard; yet you should not despair. )PeopleGalatians, PaulPlacesGalatiaTopicsAbate, Courage, Desponding, Due, Faint, Faint-hearted, Grain, Grow, Harvest, Heart, Lose, Proper, Reap, Reward, Season, Tired, Weariness, Weary, Well-doingOutline1. We constantly forget that this life of ours is, as to everything mental and spiritual, the sowing time, not the time of reaping. Our ways of doing good may often be antiquated and cumbrous. Early pastoral experiences.III. A. The weariness in well-doing, against which we are here guarded, ordinarily begins in the less of that relish for Divine things, and that pleasure in the ways of God, which the person may have had in days past.II. Christian slept in the arbour after ascending the hill Difficulty.II. To have generous minds.2. The Christian owes his own salvation to unwearied love and infinite sacrifice.2. There is no prophet whose office and commission is only for judgment, nay, to speak the truth, it is mercy that premises threatenings. It is a pronominal adjective, which signifies possession; which signifies a peculiar appropriateness when it is joined with any particular substantive. He was born in Shropshire, England, December 18, 1864, and graduated from Richmond College, London University, in 1889. Now there seem to be three important particulars suggested to us here.1. D. Watson.It is a strange sight, to see a busy devil, and an idle Christian.2. Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. One of my Sunday-school teachers came to me to resign her class, because she said she was doing them no good. A. That we may hold on a Christian course, let us labour for three persevering graces. Many of the houses are exceedingly grand and are finely intermixed with water and wood; yet are not too close, but so as to be sufficiently ventilated by the air. And the boy looks from the beginning of his arithmetic through to the last page, and says: "I shall never get through that."2. 1. Christians are the pledged disciples of the Great Worker in this field of holy exertion. No; his desire was to do that which Christ did; he desired so to follow Christ as he himself exhorts others to follow Christ.III. The only proper prayer in such a case is, Lord, hold up our goings in a safe path; for if one slips all of us may perish.'"--H. It may be found in the wide waste of sands, in the vast wilderness, where the tent of the pilgrims is erected, and from beneath the spread of its canvas may be heard the earnest breathings of a humble and contrite spirit. We may wear our hearts out, and in the end all will go down. Macknight, D. D.)A caution against declension in the ways of practical pietyJohn Rodgers, D. D.I. A. We are too ready to be "weary in well-doing," because we observe the apathy, the obstinacy, the carelessness, the ingratitude of those whom we seek to benefit. The more we know of our hearts, the more hideous will they seem. (5)The difficulty of the work.III. (c)You strike at the root of sin in seeking the regeneration of a child.2. Macknight, D. D.)A caution against declension in the ways of practical pietyJohn Rodgers, D. D.I. Love of truth, honour, goodness, are contained in it, as well as (v. 10) help to humanity around. "We shall reap," and reap in the best time, God's time, "in due season." IS WELL-DOING.1. --1 COR. What is grace, as the term is here used? underneath is the pure white of immortality. The Christian has a persevering enemy to slay.2. The injunction in the former of these verses appears, at first sight, to be inconsistent with the statement in the latter. Viney, D. D.)The danger signalGeorge H. Smyth.I. Two travellers crossing the Alps were freezing to death. vi. Perseverence will bring success, success will inspire courage, courage will bring victory, and victory will be followed by glory.3. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth October 20. (1)The seed you sow is the truth. The reaping time will come.2. (1) The weight of the flesh. The Hindrances to MourningWhat shall we do to get our heart into this mourning frame? The mighty name by which we are called.III. 10. D. Horwood.In the earlier days of Christianity, when it had to contend against the prejudices and intolerance of ages; when the bigotry of the Jew fiercely opposed it, and the philosophy of the Greek and Roman despised it, and when the bitterness of persecution grew up into greater fierceness, it was then that the earlier and devoted Christians, exposed to all manner of trial and death on all sides, had need of encouragement.I. H. GerberdingThe Way of Salvation in the Lutheran ChurchAnd to Holy David Indeed it Might More Justly be Said22. Simeon, M. A.1. "I bear in my body," Jeanne Marie BouviresA Short Method Of Prayer And Spiritual TorrentsTranslator's Introductory Notice. W. We find Daniel, in the reign of Cyrus, saying "In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks; I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled." The old man, hearing his voice below, answered in no very courteous tone, "I don't want you here; you may go away." "I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work/' So said He, who could do more work in a minute, than we can do in a whole life. As they skirt a perilous precipice he cannot pray, Lord, hold up my goings in a safe path, that my footsteps slip not, but as to my guide and companions, they must look out for themselves.' V)LinksGalatians 6:9 NIVGalatians 6:9 NLTGalatians 6:9 ESVGalatians 6:9 NASBGalatians 6:9 KJVGalatians 6:9 Bible AppsGalatians 6:9 ParallelGalatians 6:9 Biblia ParalelaGalatians 6:9 Chinese BibleGalatians 6:9 French BibleGalatians 6:9 German BibleGalatians 6:9 CommentariesBible Hub. In order to do this 1. The rivalry of other workers.II. His house is not confined to any one particular spot; it may be found on the broad ocean, in the midst of the desert waters, where the ship is turned into a sanctuary, and the incense of prayer and praise be made to ascend from her cabin or her decks. VI. WELL-DOING. (5)Because it associates us with the highest orders of beings. There is no prophet whose office and commission is only for judgment, nay, to speak the truth, it is mercy that premises threatenings. If it be a true and an approved maxim in common things to be ever active in laudable pursuits is the distinguishing characteristic of a man of merit in a high and peculiar sense may it be asserted of real Christians, that they "cease from evil, and learn to do well."II. (1) And in the first place, we are bound to regard the bodies of our fellow-creatures. It is true that in old times criminals, and certain classes of Temple servants, and sometimes soldiers, were also so marked, but it is most in accordance with the Apostle's way of thinking that he here has reference to the first class, and would represent himself as the slave of Jesus Christ, Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureBurden-Bearing'Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. He who loves the world, is never weary of following the world; he who loves God will never be weary of serving Him" that is the reason why the saints and angels in heaven are never weary of praising and worshipping God; because their love to God is perfect, and love turns service into delight. I MUST conclude this Course of Lectures by giving converts instructions on the subject of growth in grace. Such necessary business in life as does not minister pleasure.2. We become discouraged and weary when we do not see immediate fruits of our labour. The energies of goodness never rest nor take their ease.II. 'For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith which worketh by love.'--GAL. Further incentives to perseverance may be found in the peculiar and insidious character of the temptations to which well-doing is exposed.1. Never did the most plenteous harvest reward the labours of the husbandman more certainly or fully, than the joys and glories of the future world shall reward the faithful, persevering, and diligent disciples of Jesus. And it is no small mercy, to reap a lively heart, and a generous soul, and an affectionate spirit, and a willingness to labour in Christ's cause, as a reward for any little acts we perform for Him. Our ways of doing good may often be antiquated and cumbrous. )The difficulty of well-doingH. Weariness in well-doing is part of the universal weariness; the slow movement of the flesh under high compulsions; the deadness of the soul itself to truth, and Christ, and the eternal world. It represents the element of definiteness in Christianity and in the Philip SchaffThe Seven Ecumenical CouncilsHow the Married and the Single are to be Admonished. To the perfect Christian, Christ is not so much the motive as the spring: a fountain springing up to all beautiful, joyful, and blessed work for mankind.II. The spirit that can thus sing patiently and sweetly in a world of discord, must, indeed, be of the purest kind. (Admonition 28.) Whatever power can afford to rest, the power of evil never grows weary.3. And it is no small mercy, to reap a lively heart, and a generous soul, and an affectionate spirit, and a willingness to labour in Christ's cause, as a reward for any little acts we perform for Him. Viney, D. D.)The danger signalGeorge H. Smyth.I. Another cause of this weariness is the want of success.5. (4)Well-doing requires sacrifices, and we are prone to selfishness. vii. He does not always, alas, do right; but it is the object of religion of revelation to induce him to do so. R. Reynolds, B. In these cases there is distress, indeed, but no disgrace; pity, but not scorn: but let a work be begun, and left through vacillation of purpose a great work be undertaken, and be unfulfilled through childish waywardness, and no wonder if they that go by "begin to mock," while the artificer is ashamed and distressed. Was there any symptom of yielding, of inconstancy there?3. The present is sowing-time.2. And for this purpose it is not improper we should briefly touch upon the nature of the well-doing here intended, that we may be enabled the more easily to understand what it is to be weary of it. 9). 18. It may perhaps be thought necessary that some guard be put to the doctrine, lest grace be dishonoured, and the worthless idol of human merit be exalted. 25. Zeal is sometimes without knowledge, and zeal is often without patience; we look for the oak, without giving the acorn time to germinate; we desire to gather the cool and delicious fruit, forgetful of the preliminary processes of vegetation. )Unweariedness in well-doingH. iii. A Christian will not be weary of service, that hath the crown in his eye. Watson. vi. A. )Against weariness in well-doingJ. Let us look at that expression a moment. A Christian will not be weary of service, that hath the crown in his eye. Have strong faith in the promises: "My word shall not return unto Me void it shall prosper" (Isaiah 55:11). The word here employed does not bear on beneficence exclusively. A Due Reaping. Then there are the gates of unbelief, thicker and stronger than the gates of Gaza; which only the spiritual Samson can carry away. Such necessary business in life as does not minister pleasure.2. W. Beecher.When I dug my well, I knew that there were rocks below, and when I had thrust down the pick and spade through the easily yielding earth until they struck the rock I found no water. And for this purpose it is not improper we should briefly touch upon the nature of the well-doing here intended, that we may be enabled the more easily to understand what it is to be weary of it. The text may be regarded, in the first place, as marking out the Christian man's vocation in the present world. The present is sowing-time.2. And to address it to me, who felt so often tired, and yet by His grace was enabled to persevere! "In due season, we shall reap if we faint not." If the least of us could only anticipate the eternal issues that will probably spring from the humblest services of faith, we should only count our sacrifices and labors unspeakable heritages of honor and opportunity, and would cease to speak of trials and sacrifices for God. I can hardly wonder that the best stand appalled before the mass of the misery and sin of society. It is not enough that we being in the ways of God, that we set out in the paths of piety, but we must persevere in them; we must endure to the end; for he alone "that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved."3. The great law of communion with Christ is that of light, purity, and righteousness, in opposition to the spiritual darkness of corruption and sin. )The reward of unwearied diligence in the work of the LordR. Jesus Christ, to whom we are abandoned, and whom "we follow as the way, whom we hear as the truth, and who animates us as the life" (John xiv. "In due season ye shall reap if ye faint not." 10. And surely that is not a small thing. To restrain natural passions and propensities.3. Our ways of doing good may often be antiquated and cumbrous. If you say a man is doing well, you mean to say that a man is increasing in his wealth, his influence, or his connections. Further incentives to perseverance may be found in the peculiar and insidious character of the temptations to which well-doing is exposed.1. We find Jacob wrestling with the wondrous angel of God's covenant through the entire night, and prevailing not till the morning began to break. It is hard to deal with hard cases; but when we have struck the water of life in any one, after that we have overflowing remuneration even here.(H. that silken cocoon! vi. (1)The flesh cries out for ease. )Perseverence in religious duties enforcedG. Supposing that Sunday School teacher had built the pyramids, it would have been undeniably a great result of persistent labour, but it would have been such labour as would last at the longest for a limited time, and its use would be problematical, for we are not very sure why and for what the pyramids were built. And to holy David indeed it might more justly be said, that he ought not to have been angry; no, not with one however ungrateful and rendering evil for good; yet if, as man, anger did steal over him, he ought not to have let it so prevail, that he should swear to do a thing which either by giving way to his rage he should do, or by breaking his oath leave undone. A. The painter may be paralyzed, and his unfinished canvas be the best expositor of his malady. While I was doing it it was not pleasant, but after I had got through it was permanent refreshment. Ye grow weary and give up sometimes on the eve of reaping, and lose the harvest. Again: unwearied continuance in "well-doing" has the distinct promise of success.(G. Now, the duty of "well-doing" embraces much of inner thought and of outward action; it embraces every Christian virtue that can be mentioned every good work that is worthy of the name; and among the many good things it includes, it most assuredly numbers among them the duty of supporting, of advancing the interests of "the house of God," as a means to an end, as an agency which the Almighty is pleased to adopt for the accomplishment of His own Divine ends, whether in the way of His Spirit or of His providence. M. Merry.I. Lift up Rev. H. BeibitzGloria Crucis21ST DAY. Then he picked up his shovel, and marked off a square, and began to see how long it would take him to cast that aside; then another and another, until the whole was cleared away. And so we sow only that which we can reap now or that which the children in our households can reap here on earth. "In due season we shall reap if we faint not" (Gal. The special encouragement which the apostle presents. It is the casket which contains the most precious of all jewels. Hugh BinningOf MysteriesOf Mysteries It may be objected, that, by this method, we shall have no mysteries imprinted on our minds: but it is quite the reverse; for it is the peculiar means of imparting them to the soul. I grant you that large results are often given. I have done so much that at least I may be satisfied. Be not weary in well-doing.1. We, not our successors, will reap.3. By bearing the Cross.IV. (George H. They were less thoughtful than when she took charge of them. Now, from the sense of all this goodness, will not the man, who is not dead to every generous feeling in human nature, love the Lord his Maker and Saviour with all his heart, and soul, and strength? Further incentives to perseverance may be found in the peculiar and insidious character of the temptations to which well-doing is exposed.1. I can hardly wonder that the best stand appalled before the mass of the misery and sin of society. It is just the contrary; they are given to the soul in reality. It is purely a spiritual work; and no man can enter upon it, and do it aright, unless he be a spiritual man. Sunday School teaching is sowing. Stevenson.)I. There are at least two reasons, unconnected with Holy Week, why the subject of the Cross of Christ should occupy our attention. Have strong faith in the promises: "My word shall not return unto Me void it shall prosper" (Isaiah 55:11). So in His "own season" that is, the season which is peculiarly adapted for the purpose; the season which God knows to be the most appropriate; the season that shall best fit in to all the other declarations which God shall make of His majesty, His justice, and His power, as well as His love, His mercy, and His grace: at that time "we shall reap, if we faint not." The undying activity of the world. The sixteenth chapter of the second book of that memorable review of his literary career, contains corrections of certain points on which he believed that he had not been sufficiently accurate in these discussions. The injunction in the former of these verses appears, at first sight, to be inconsistent with the statement in the latter. 1 The love of sin. This is a sin natural to us; but there are few greater enemies to vital godliness than it is.2. It is the object of constant attack on the part of its assailants: and believers are content too often to accept it "on faith," which means that they despair of giving a rational J. Opportunities are few; and if we would do good, they must be seized. One morning a man found the snow all piled up before his door. One of my Sunday-school teachers came to me to resign her class, because she said she was doing them no good. Seek to understand the hidden laws of that outward and inward life. By receiving the residue of the Spirit.3. I KNOW THE JOURNEY IS TEDIOUS, BUT DONT QUIT. "He is Faithful that Promised." Strengthens our faith in the power of well-doing.3. The next day his comrade that remained found a nugget of gold that supported him until he made a fortune. 16). He was born in Shropshire, England, December 18, 1864, and graduated from Richmond College, London University, in 1889. "I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work/' So said He, who could do more work in a minute, than we can do in a whole life. Observe the spirit by which those. In the remarkable work known as his Retractations, Augustin makes a brief statement on the subject of this treatise on the Harmony of the Evangelists. Believers are not of it, or conformed to it; but they are in it, and they must live to promote its welfare.II. As, when God called Moses to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt, he said "O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore nor since Thou hast spoken unto Thy servant, but I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue;" just so does a Sunday School teacher often speak. The reference in these words is probably to the cruel custom of branding slaves as we do cattle, with initials or signs, to show their ownership. He glories in nothing, save in the cross of Christ.Dictionary of Bible ThemesGalatians 6:94464harvest5418monotony5582tiredness5635work, and redemption5883impatience8418endurance8713discouragement9130future, theGalatians 6:6-105603wagesGalatians 6:7-94506seed5499reward, divine8255fruit, spiritualGalatians 6:9-106672grace, in relationships8262generosity, human8442good worksLibrarySeptember 19. R. Reynolds, B. We, not our successors, will reap.3. Do the men of the world even respect a backslider? In order to do good it is necessary 1. (2) But we must not exclude man as a responsible and immortal being. It is the casket which contains the most precious of all jewels. It represents the element of definiteness in Christianity and in the Philip SchaffThe Seven Ecumenical CouncilsHow the Married and the Single are to be Admonished. Our ways of doing good may often be antiquated and cumbrous. (3)Fellow Christians are cold and indifferent. "He that watereth shall be watered also himself." III. We grow languid sometimes in prosperity. vii,--one of the longest in the Bible, and one full of repetition. Now mark, brethren, what the text says, "Let us not be weary in well-doing." The seasonableness of the reward.(D. Horwood. A MOTIVE TO WELL-DOING. The Greek Samuel DavidsonThe Canon of the BibleThe Beautiful HagueWhen we came to the Hague, though we had heard much of it, we were not disappointed. Text--But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.--2 Pet. Often pray to God. "Be not weary," FOR THE MOTIVES TO CONTINUANCE IN THE RIGHT COURSE ARE AS POWERFUL AS THE MOTIVES TO COMMENCEMENT. VI. W. Beecher.I. What, however, we have to do is to be faithful, to endure patiently our burdens, and to press onward in the strength of faith and hope.2. But work at it and work on. The reward promised to patient labour. "We shall reap."1. What is grace, as the term is here used? HAS ITS DIFFICULTIES.1. The path is as much the king's highway as ever; its banks as green, its turns as beautiful, its trees as picturesque: but you have become weary, and your footsteps have flagged. Patience, industry, and perseverance: are the three great elements of success in life. (2)Be proportionate to our well-doing. She made no effort to drown the voice of her companions, neither was she disturbed by their noisy discord; but patiently and sweetly she sang in full rich tones; one after another yielded to the gentle influence, and before the tune was finished all were in perfect harmony." It was David's prayer, "hold Thou me up and I shall be safe;" and it was Beza's prayer, "Lord, perfect what Thou hast begun in me." By bearing the Cross.IV. III. 10, 11, &c.--"Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom, give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah," &c. It is strange to think what mercy is mixed with the most wrath like strokes and threatenings. WHEN WE MAY BE SAID TO BE WEARY IN WELL-DOING.1. Direct you to the motive adverted to by the apostle. 9). 14. I MUST conclude this Course of Lectures by giving converts instructions on the subject of growth in grace. Will go down are given to the Christian man 's vocation in the present world at least two reasons unconnected! 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sermon on galatians 6:9