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saint louis de montfort quotes

You had better get on with other things. More than two dozen lawmakers sent a similar letter to Austin. the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary retained its first fervour for a century after it was instituted by Saint Dominic. Then call on Mary, for her name means Star of the Sea, the Polar Star which guides the ships of our souls during the voyage of this life, and she will guide you to the harbour of eternal salvation. var sourcesToHideBuyFeatures = ["ebfg_gr", "ebfg_fb", "ebfg_fbm", "ebfg_tw", The Secret of the Rosary, p.36, TAN Books, St. Louis de Montfort (1983). . Conclude your prayer with the Church and say, Holy Mary, holy because of thy incomparable and eternal devotion to the service of God, holy in thy great rank as Mother of God, who has endowed thee with eminent holiness, in keeping with this great dignity. }, There are two reasons for doing this: first of all, to honour the three crowns of Jesus and Mary Jesus crown of grace at the time of his Incarnation, his crown of thorns during his passion, and his crown of glory in heaven, and of course the three-fold crown which the Blessed Trinity gave Mary in heaven. if (window.csa) { Let not that man presumes to look for mercy from God who offends His Holy Mother! may the live coal of Thy love grow hot within my spirit, and break forth into a perfect fire; may it burn incessantly on the altar of my heart; may it glow in my innermost being; may it blaze in hidden recesses of my soul; and in Martyrs init: function() { googletag.enableServices(); Here are some St. Louis de Montfort quotes on the rosary. Born date January 31, 1673 But the rest of the saints, who are the greater number, although hall all had devotion to our Blessed Lady, nevertheless have either not at all, or at least very little, entered upon this way. prayer For each rosary of five decades recited: ten years and ten quarantines; 4. When we say bread we ask for that which is necessary to live; and, of course that does not include luxuries. Pray for us now, during this short life, so fraught with sorrow and uncertainty; now, because we can be sure of nothing except the present moment; now that we are surrounded and attacked night and day by powerful and ruthless enemies. page: {requestId: "JNDXSV5H96RNV4JSMA26", meaningful: "interactive"} Needless to say, people should not join the Confraternity if they do not intend to fulfil their obligation by saying the Rosary as often as is required, without, however, neglecting the duties of their state in life. . As in the natural life a child must have a father and a mother, so in the supernatural life of grace a true child of the Church must have God for his Father and Mary for his mother. Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (31 January 1673 - 28 April 1716) was a French Roman Catholic priest and Confessor. True Devotion to Mary: Saint Louis de Montfort, p.61, Danka, Saint Louis de Montfort (2016). This is because it has the same number of Hail Marys as there are psalms in the Book of the Psalms of David. Now, since Mary is of all creatures the one most conformed to Jesus Christ, it follows that among all devotions that which most consecrates and conforms a soul to our Lord is devotion to Mary, his Holy Mother, and that the more a soul is consecrated to her the more will it be consecrated to Jesus Christ., (3) It would hardly be possible for me to put into words how much Our Lady thinks of the Holy Rosary and of how she vastly prefers it to all other devotions. St. Louis preached against Jansenism. Educated at Rennes, he was ordained there in 1700, becoming a chaplain in a hospital in Poitiers. (20) The Blessed Virgin, mother of gentleness and mercy, never allows herself to be surpassed in love and generosity. In this way God reformed the world. Then listen, you Christians. He was also known for his devotion to the angels; especially guardian angels. You will then receive the benefits of the Confraternity just the same, sharing in the graces and merits of your brothers and sisters in the Rosary, who are saying it throughout the world. H.S. Pope Clement XI appointed him to be a missionary and he went to Brittany to preach. This drove the evil spirit away forever because he could not bear such a terrible chain. Have you strayed from the path leading to heaven? Blessed be Jesus who redeemed our suffering world when we were in the bondage of sin, who has healed the world of its sickness, who has raised the dead to life, brought home the banished, restored sinners to grace, and saved men from damnation. Required fields are marked *. You are trying to cultivate a piece of ground which has not had any rain. Amen. Heretics, all of whom are children of the devil and who clearly bear the sign of Gods reprobation, have a horror of the Hail Mary. They greet her countless times each day with the angelic greeting, "Hail, Mary", while prostrating themselves before her, begging her as a favour to honour them with one of her requests. A wonderful way to make the time, is to have a daily family rosary hour, where you pray it with your spouse and children if you have any. He reorganized the staff which resulted in great resentment and his resignation. If you only did that, you could teach many souls the right path and lead them away from sin. Is to be reacieving updates reading them and praying the rosary every day, Your email address will not be published. var ue_t0=window.ue_t0||+new Date(); Be truly repentant and go to confession and communion, as the Papal Bull of indulgences states. Do you hunger for the bread of grace and the bread of life? The Rosary is a priceless treasure inspired by God. Now that we are forced to speak, we must also tell you that nobody who perseveres in saying the Rosary will be damned, because she obtains for her servants the grace of true contrition for their sins by which they obtain pardon and mercy.. Then say to our Lady, Blessed art thou above all women and above all nations by thy purity and fertility; thou hast turned Gods maledictions into blessings for us. She will bless you. So when you give a sermon, urge people to say my Rosary, and in this way your words will bear much fruit for souls.. The rosary should be said with faith-for our Blessed Lord said, 'Believe that you shall receive; and they shall come unto you'. // Give a Gift SubscriptionBless friends, family or clergy with a gift of the Register. You must accept this truth. })(); So much so, that the Almighty made her the sole custodian of his treasures and the sole dispenser of his graces. window.csa("Config", { Our Lady In order to pray well, it is not enough to give expression to our petitions by means of that most excellent of all prayers, the Rosary, but we must also pray with great attention, for God listens more to the voice of the heart than that of the mouth. Amen.. A letter from 400 poor people of Poitiers to M. Leschassier, cited by Father Pauvert, La vie du Vnrable Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (The life of the Venerable Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort . And if that Marietta (it is thus in their fury they called her) did not counter our plans and our efforts, we should have overcome the Church and destroyed it long before this, and caused all the Orders in the Church to fall into error and infidelity. St. Louis de Montfort, quote from True Devotion to Mary, In order to rid ourselves of self, we must die ourselves daily. Moreover, God the Father listens more willingly to the prayer that we have learned from his Son rather than those of our own making, which have all our human limitations. if (window.ue && window.ue.tag) { window.ue.tag('author:quotes:signed_out', ue.main_scope);window.ue.tag('author:quotes:signed_out:mobileWeb', ue.main_scope); } Saint Gregory of Nyssa makes a delightful comparison when he says that we are all artists and that our souls are blank canvasses which we have to fill in. He is the author of Fruits of Fatima Century of Signs and Wonders. We honour his sublimity and his glory and his majesty by the words Who art in heaven, that is to say, seated as on thy throne, holding sway over all men by thy justice. This shows that one needs much greater devotion to persevere in saying the Rosary than in saying any other prayer, even the psalter of David. (Use Promo Code BSA for 15% off select TAN Book titles.). She can lead them along the narrow path to heaven and guide them through the narrow gate to life. var url; Feast Days I agree that we must be neither too credulous nor too critical, and that we should keep a happy medium in all things in order to find just where truth and virtue lie. Born place: in Montfort-sur-Meu, France INCULTURATION. Hence the most perfect of all devotions is undoubtedly that which conforms, unites and consecrates us most perfectly to Jesus Christ. Without doubt, your soul will be filled with the bread of grace in this life and of eternal glory in the next. function getCookieWithoutJQuery(name) { Those who weep find joy;5. If by chance your conscience is burdened with sin, take your Rosary and say at least a part of it in honour of some of the mysteries of the life, passion, and glory of Jesus Christ, and you can be sure that, while you are meditating on these mysteries and honouring them, he will show his sacred wounds to his Father in heaven. England Sign-up for E-NewsletterGet Register Updates sent daily or weeklyto your inbox. Calendar The number of Latinos who identify as Catholic has declined by 24% since 2010, with the biggest decline seen among young Latinos born in the country. The word Rosary means "Crown of Roses" that is to say that every time people say the Rosary devoutly they place a crown of one hundred and fifty-three red roses and sixteen white roses upon the heads of Jesus and Mary. 5 St. John Bosco Quotes on Idleness Dont Be Idle in 2022, The word rosary means Crown of Roses, that is to say that every time people say the Rosary devoutly they place a crown of one hundred and fifty-three white roses and sixteen red roses upon the head of Jesus and Mary. !function(){function n(n,t){var r=i(n);return t&&(r=r("instance",t)),r}var r=[],c=0,i=function(t){return function(){var n=c++;return r.push([t,[].slice.call(arguments,0),n,{time:Date.now()}]),i(n)}};n._s=r,this.csa=n}(); Then call on Mary, for her name means "Star of the Sea, the North Star which guides the ships of our souls during the voyage of this life," and she will guide you to the harbor of eternal salvation." St Louis De Monfort, The Secret Of The Rosary . Trinity And at the hour of our death, so terrible and full of danger, when our strength is waning and our spirits are sinking, and our souls and bodies are worn out with fear and pain; at the hour of our death when the devil is working with might and main to ensnare us and cast us into perdition; at that hour when our lot will be decided forever and ever, heaven or hell. } To help inspire you, here are six quotes to meditate upon during this month. They shall have in their mouths the two-edged sword of the Word of God. He joined a society of men who ministered to the poor and the sick. . " When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and is more meritorious than any other prayer. fetchBids: function() { Being heavenly flowers these roses will never fade or lose their exquisite beauty., Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil as sorcerers do who practice black magic, and even if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and will save your soul, if-and mark well what I say-if you say the Holy Rosary devoutly every day until death for the purpose of knowing the truth and obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins., When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and is more meritorious than any other prayer., Put you on the armor of God. So arm yourselves with the arms of God-with the Holy Rosary-and you will crush the devils head and you will stand firm in the face of all his temptations. You can even say it while working if your duties do not allow you to leave your job, for work with ones hands is not always incompatible with vocal prayer. ~, Blessed is the Rosary which gives us this science and knowledge of our Blessed Lord through our meditations on His life, death, passion and glory. ~, The Rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who loves His Mother. ~, If then we are establishing sound devotion to our Blessed Lady, it is only in order to establish devotion to our Lord more perfectly, by providing a smooth but certain way of reaching Jesus Christ. ~, One day Our Lord said to Blessed Alan: If only these poor wretched sinners would say My Rosary, they would share in the merits of My passion and I would be their Advocate and would appease My Fathers Justice. ~, Your closest enemies will attack you all the more cruelly because they are within you. We go to her only as a way leading to the goal we seek - Jesus, her Son. Ever since Blessed Alan de la Roche re-established this devotion the voice of the people, which is the voice of God, called it the Rosary. To be guilty of wilful distractions during prayer would show a great lack of respect and reverence; it would make our Rosaries unfruitful and make us guilty of sin. For 17 years he preached the gospel in towns and villages. Bernard, Bernadine, Bonaventure and others that in Heaven and on earth everything, even God Himself, is subject to the Blessed Virgin, they mean that the authority which God has been well pleased to give her is so great that it seems as if she had the same power as God; and that her prayers and petitions are so powerful with God that they always pass for commandments with His Majesty, who never resists the prayer of His dear Mother, because she is always humble and conformed to His will. He who finds Mary finds life, that is, Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the lifeMary then must be better known than ever for the deeper understanding and the greater glory of the Blessed Trinity., (11) In these latter times Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, power and grace; in mercy, to bring back and welcome lovingly the poor sinners and wanderers who are to be converted and return to the Catholic Church; in power, to combat the enemies of God who will rise up menacingly to seduce and crush by promises and threats all those who oppose them; finally, she must shine forth in grace to inspire and support the valiant soldiers and loyal servants of Jesus Christ who are fighting for his cause., (12) Mary must become as terrible as an army in battle array to the devil and his followers, especially in these latter times. It was de Montforts method of consecration to Our Lady that St. John Paul II made and led to his motto: Totus Tuus. That is why, before doing anything else, priests should try to kindle a love of prayer in peoples hearts and especially a love of my Angelic Psalter. "https://":"http://";i+=f?g:k;i+=j;i+=h;c(i)}if(!e.ue_inline){if(a.loadUEFull){a.loadUEFull()}else{b()}}a.uels=c;e.ue=a})(window,document); Mary has the authority over the angels and the blessed in heaven. St. Louis de Montfort, quote from True Devotion to Mary, She embellishes our works, adorning them with her own merits and virtues. var googletag = googletag || {}; Saint Louis de Montfort. Those who thirst are refreshed;3. } catch (err) { Members who have made a good confession and are genuinely sorry for their sins may gain a plenary indulgence on certain days by visiting the Rosary Chapel in the church where the Confraternity is established. 15:31). and to carry with us the authors best ideas. "Events.Namespace": "csa", Spain Then call on Mary, for her name means "Star of the Sea, the North Star which guides the ships of our souls during the voyage of this life," and she will guide you to the harbor of eternal salvation." Of course it would be too much to expect you to say the whole fifteen mysteries every day, but do say at least five mysteries, and say them properly with love and devotion. The Company of Mary was led for 39 years by Father Mulot who at first refused to join the Company due to being paralyzed on one side. July Feast Days St. Louis de Montfort, quote from True Devotion to Mary, God the Father made an assemblage of all the waters and He named it the sea (mare). Sometimes a soul that is proud in a subtle way and who may have done everything that he can do interiorly to rise to the sublime heights of contemplation that the saints have reached may be deluded by the noonday devil into giving up his former devotions which are good enough for ordinary souls. We ask that he may be known, loved and adored by pagans, Turks, Jews, barbarians and all infidels; that all men may serve and glorify him by a living faith, a staunch hope, a burning charity, and by the renouncing of all erroneous beliefs. The Sovereign Pontiffs have shown their generosity towards members of the Rosary Confraternity by allowing them to gain the indulgences attached to the Stations of the Cross by visiting five altars in the church where the Rosary Confraternity is established, and by saying the Our Father and Hail Mary five times before each altar, for the well-being of the Church. However, considering the fervour of those who say it, we may distinguish three kinds: Ordinary Membership, which entails saying the complete Rosary once a week; Perpetual Membership, which requires it to be said only once a year; Daily Membership, which obliges one to say it all every day, that is, the fifteen decades made up of 150 Hail Marys. ~, For never will anyone who says his Rosary every day become a formal heretic or be led astray by the devil. url = "https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/mobile/phone_hd_images-2b89833762f600506d44865a33582d11.css"; The just man falls seven times, and in the Lords Prayer he will find seven petitions which will both help him to avoid lapses and protect him from his spiritual enemies. . Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (31 January 1673 - 28 April 1716) was a French Roman Catholic priest and Confessor. 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saint louis de montfort quotes