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pluto conjunct descendant transit

I found the strength to go at it and eventually recover my money. I wonder if Pluto sextile and trine Ascendant lets both partners make more money. On January 12, 2023, Pluto will exactly conjoin my Saturn and on January 19, will conjoin my DC. You will go to any lengths to achieve your goals, and you have the energy to do it now. Shell be much older than I was during this transit, but its still grueling for young people. You become tired of your role in life, and you are very sensitive to habits, customs, and social requirements that hide the real you. We love the challenge and we take it very seriously. With the Moon involved, these fears have to do with significant women in your life, personal habits, emotional patterns, and the home and domestic life. Even so, you are likely to learn much about your own strengths. It really seems that the immaturity of these two and no one else is painfully shameful. Sample from the Heaven Knows What report. Covered here are conjunctions and squares of Pluto to the angles. This can be the time for a lifestyle change. However, the process can be lengthy and challenging. ????. Someone may enter your life now, or circumstances arise, that completely changes your outlook, alters your value system, or consumes much of your time, thoughts, and energy. An aggressive approach now is not the best; try for an assertive one instead. You have Neptune in Libra, the sign that rules the 7th house which exacerbates your situation. You may find yourself in relationships where you exert all the power and influence. It's intense! Pluto opposite Ascendant transit is sometimes called Pluto conjunct Descendant transit. Wow I have pluto in scorpio 25 20 opp ascendant in taurus 23 12 with a t-square to my sun in leo 26 59. Pluto Transits Trine Jupiter I had to work around his boundaries and comfort zone, always shelving parts of myself that made him uncomfortable so that I could spend time with him. Resisting this process can cause us to externalize or project these parts of ourselves. the years before I left him waiting for me . Buried in your subconscious, they may smolder and suddenly burst into flame. *This is a time of great personal change. *You feel claustrophobic now. Avoid any urge to force your understanding or awareness or beliefs upon others; avoid mental power games and extremism in thought or verbal expression. Whats going on? Look to planets in Aries (and Scorpio) in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Pluto is now infusing with intensity. A time of real inner growth through other people, the social life. If there is someone with whom you feel that communication has been too superficial, this is the time to dig further beneath the surface. You will experience emotional extremes and, if a relationship is in a rut, you are likely to decide to break it off. Our composite sun is also at 27d Cancer! You are acting on impulse more than you are listening to reason, and you should keep a close eye on this. How we have defined ourselves to date is now challenged. Perhaps you will recognize any controlling behavior and try to evolve to a higher level. It hurt, but not as much as I wouldve expected, and definitely not as bad as the first time. You want greater intensity and intimacy in your relationships, and you are also inclined to have power struggles with others. Reply. You might discover possessive, jealous, and controlling aspects of your personality that surprise you. Underlying motives come to the surface and relationships become deeper and more meaningful. Pluto Transits Square Midheaven Pluto Transits Sextile Ascendant Its tone is intense. You tend to act on impulse and often dont listen to reasoneven your own! I decided to relocate permanently to help my 83 yr old Capricorn Dad thru it, and so that he wouldnt be alone as he ages. Attraction to secrets is possible now. I really had to fight for it and I am proud of myself now that I did it. By the end of the transit, you should have a renewed sense of worth, although getting to that point may not be entirely pleasant. *This is a positive time for your career. You tend to become impassioned about your ideas, and you are inclined to feel very strongly about your ideas. So as bad as it may get for you; it wont go on forever. You said it did for that person you wrote about. However, you do attract alluring, Plutonic mates. And I am looking at the whole chart. Others might not be able to see any of your intensity. There is a chance of a one-to-one relationship with someone who wants to damage your marriage, reputation, or career prospects. Now, Pluto through the 8th as Im going through now, is harder, but Im an eternal optimist and believe all will work out for the best. Secrets come out into the open, and conversations have a greater sincerity and depth than usual. Alive and Well With Pluto: Transits of Power and Renewal by Bil Tierney. ~Your first reaction to any changes coming into your life is to hold onto those things which once symbolized security for you and which now seem to be under attack. Did yoga every Day for 5 years. +A time of change that finds you examining your foundations, responsibilities, and basic security. Pluto Transits Opposition Jupiter All in-depth research is favored now. This other person may be a kind of idol, a teacher, or a friend. Ive done alot of work on it for 4 years. From one side: we are heading towards major soul work, reset not meant for everyone, after which nothing will be the same. Liberace 010, Brenda Frazier 011, August Bebel 013, Tammy Wynette 028, James Watson 046, Yehudi Menuhin 046, Antonio Banderas 051, Wallace Clement Sabine 101, Arnold Bax 104, Manuel Noriega 108, Paul Newman 112, Jane Fonda 117, Titus Salt 120, Andy Gibb 121, James Croll 127, Hugo Black 129, Lorenzo Carcaterra 131, Charles Dickens 147, Stu Sutcliffe 148, Tom Jones 152. But heyI havent had migraines in a long time. My dad (cancer asc 28, late cap sun) is going through this now. And Jupiter 7.04. in Aquarius. Pluto brings about drastic, revolutionary changes, but ones that are necessary to halt the process of stagnation and instigate continued growth. Hi Jamie Im headed for a major Pluto and Saturn conjunction 4degrees from descendant and 2degrees from St Node.. 2020 would be a good year for foresight! You are motivated and interested in probing beneath the surface and learning the underlying causes behind any event or behavior. relationships are a life-investment not a stop-gap. On the other hand, your positive influence on a partner could help make them successful, powerful or rich. A change either in the direction of your life or in your values will thus be necessary to deal with your growing sense of frustration. David Beckham's Juno is square Victoria Bekham's North Node and Juno. Emotions that you may have never been in touch with, particularly of a darker, obsessive, or primal quality, come bursting forth. You are likely to emerge from this cycle perhaps feeling a little battered but certainly more in touch with your deeper needs. It aspects the seventh house too which is legal issues and enemies.A boon would be welcome indeed. Here are some examples: It was exactly what I wanted/needed. I hardly trust in someone, I rather be alone and happy. Pluto Transits Opposition Ascendant A great deal of nostalgia, love, and perhaps anger or jealousy, are activated now. I only add links to products that I have personally used and recommended. On bad days, Pluto-type people are prone to recklessness, turning things upside down, mental obsession, obsessive desires, compulsion, and emotional repression. Sent 5 times a week. Concentrating and getting down to really essential ideas are facilitated during this time period. Insights into your own ability to give love, into relationships, and into others, can be enlightening. +Your mental energies (ideas, thoughts, and so on) may undergo some transformation or change, a natural sense of growth and development. Pluto Transits Opposition Saturn I am a participant in the Amazon Services Associates Programan affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com and products on that site. Middle school, to be precise, which is miserable for most people. Sign up here! Mars conjunct Sun Taking action is the theme now. If you abuse your power by manipulation or intimidation, you can count on being taught a painful lesson before too long. The 7th house is Libra. I happened to be visiting when it happened. Neptune conjunct the descendant (or in the 7th house) will impact every relationship you form, in one way or the other. Nought strange as folk, ezpecially cloned ones, regulated to operate by habitual trained routine. I dont really know if it is appropiate to write thank you, but anyway, thank you for your nice comment. Whatever the case, intense power struggles or painful separations will bring positive change and transformation in how you relate at the intimate level. New obligations are likely to arise both in your personal life and your work. en route. In other situations its the opposite. Lots of love pulled me through and my health has been great overall. You seek intensity in your life and in your relationships, and you become more aware of hidden sides of your personality, untapped talents and interests, and also emotional blocks or confusions. Group work is very powerful and positive for you now, especially if the focus is on conscious awareness, deeper learning, healing, or combining energies to create positive changes in the collective (media, education system, etc.). Strive for balance, tolerance, and gentleness in your way of communicating your insights to others. Emotional material welling up from within you may challenge and threaten the current path you travel, causing you to stop and consider it with care. What does Mars rule in your chart? He was diagnosed with Guillain-Barr Syndrome. Pluto transiting the descendant affects relationships, but also your physical appearance, your reputation and your home and family. You sound oriented, in spite of it all. The opposite of Libra is Aries not Pisce@Milagro. It often feels moody and confrontative. Your strongest desire at this time might be to make a totally new start change homes or even towns, divorce your marriage partner and in extreme cases refuse custody of your children. Harry just been seen at the super bowl with Eugenie. Well, I had no problem losing weight. Uranus conjunct MC Saturn conjunct Pluto Jupiter conjunct South Node Mars conjunct Venus Venus conjunct Neptune AC conjunct MC Part of Fortune conjunct Pluto. Or, you may become privy to other peoples secrets and hidden lives. Its me!!! Oooh, I like your poem. And will be feeling into 2024 sigh. Natal Pluto is often unconscious for a person but, when it transits the 7th, you will see it in action outside of yourself so can come to understand it inside yourself. Studies you undertake now are compelling, deeply fascinating, and may well transform your ordinary way of thinking about and perceiving the world. Yesterday, I noted that he is currently tied up on a very short leash. Pluto transits bring about rebirths of sorts in the areas of life affected. This can be something you experience on a subconscious or emotional level in that you are unlikely to feel physically threatened. Greets! Why am I afraid? ~Your perspective on what you want from life, what you are willing to do to get it and the values that you want to express undergoes a change. Is Pluto transiting your descendant? On the positive, I had no problem losing weight. It also felt very liberating. . Experiencing the positive side of natal Pluto opposite Ascendant will still involve intense power and control struggles. Its truly home sailing after that with a truly expanded consciousness of god within . If you purchase a product through my links, I may receive a small commission. Last Updated on January 16, 2023 by Jamie. It means that one-to-one relationships will become more intense and have a far greater impact on your life. You tend to have a one-track mind now, and you talk to others about your interests whether they are interested or not! Your desire for emotional depth and attachment is enormous, but may not be easy to find with the square or opposition. In the summer were in Europe. This is likely an excellent period for finances as well. I only include these because it comes at no cost to the buyer -- there are no additional charges and it does not cost a customer anything extra to buy through an affiliate link. You might kick a bad habit or rid yourself of undesirable attitudes that have held you back from success. Yesterday, I was talking to a long-time client with a 28 degree Cancer descendent. Passions are strong and intense. A time of great change and evolution, in particular regarding your home life and surroundings -- your support system. *Your vitality and energy level are at a high point. Pluto transits square Mars. It can be hard to be objective nowyour first instinct may be to cling to bad habits, co-dependent relationships, and other such things. A common-sense book dedicated to Pluto transits. I do yoga, meditation, and the Wim Hof breathing practice, among other Kriya/Hatha yoga practices, daily. *There are major changes and developments in your career now. I understand because of what I went through with my back, among other things. Pluto takes approximately 248 years to come full circle. You are easily upset by conflict and aggressive people. In extreme cases, you could seek manipulating or abusive partners. You are likely to adopt a rather austere and intense routine during this time period. Work youve done might pay off, and you are able to manage your finances better, with more attention to planning and strategy, as well as the elimination of frivolous expenditures. Transit Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto conjunct (aligned with) any of the angles tend to be major transits for you. Your social presence may be larger than life, so a little charm goes a long way now. From the other angle: I feel overwhelmed and a bit helpless like a chased animal in the corner. Still angry about the teaching hospital doctor who blurted out the misdiagnosis in front of a patient who could then only foresee a bleak future. Your erotic life might get a real boost now as you delve deeper into the spirit behind sexual acts. A tendency to want to control your life through some form of manipulation is strong during this influence. Your ambitions are activated. Pluto Transits Sextile Jupiter The work is cut out for us. This is truly the dark night of the soul most epic battle. It just melted off a few years ago. Her Rising is 1 Leo. This period of time will bring enormous changes in the way you approach your life and how you relate to other people. *This is a positive time when you express your deepest feelings openly and intensely. Dirty tricks, the whole shee-bang. I was four years old all that I can think was that Pluto transited my Asc and opposed my Desc when I first started school, which I suppose was a change to my identity (1st House) that brought me many new relationships (7th House). Pluto Transits Trine Midheaven Saturn in his 7th house with his Pluto opposing my Venus in Aries Its now some kind of extended double-whammy death grip, with t. Pluto squaring my 10H Venus and his Pluto. Transit Uranus conj natal Venus hasnt been painful due to good astrological advice. They could positively transform you or change your lifes direction. Your fears now have to do with the feeling of helplessness in the face of changes in the people and circumstances around you. A tendency to probe and analyze may not fit in with your normal way of thinking. After being widowed at a realively young age, I never went into a relationship again. In my case this transit brought me a long period of unemployment, while my husband was starting a new career. Down deep into the unconscious mind, where it stays until youre clear enough and strong enough to handle resurrecting it and really going beyond it. Coming face to face with our deepest fears, and overcoming them. These transits also affect your urge to acquire new material goods and your finances in general. Does it have to be a negative aspect? ~During this time, you will have to face up to the real, inner you the person you were meant to be and not the person you were taught to be. Your email address will not be published. Pluto opposite Ascendant transit is sometimes called Pluto conjunct Descendant transit. I know exactly what you are experiencing. 25deg Cancer ASC (also 29deg Cap Mercury). You must have high regard for yourself. I dont know what is going on but I do feel different. There is a tendency with Pluto setting to enter into codependent relationships. Resentments and old anger come up now, sometimes with surprising force, and they may seem uncontrollable. Its currently in my 6th, and I have three maladies that I didnt have before (I am 72), all around my head. On the family front, his mother died; hes waiting (Capricorn) on an inheritance (Pluto). As a result of this persons influence, you should enjoy more personal power and influence. Also in transit Jupiter and Mars are conj Saturn, trine MC. Hello Jamie! It can also coincide with a great deal of optimism about the other person. For some, there can be difficulties involved with bending the law or the rules. Meeting with obstacles in your path, however, can force you into the position of using all of your resources to fight back, and you can discover resources you never knew you had in the process. Your attitude and perspective change dramatically at this time. I looked way back to see when Pluto crossed my descendant/sun, and it was around my 18th birthday. Transits bring about rebirths of sorts in the way you approach your and! 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pluto conjunct descendant transit