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ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor

Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor House of Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor from 1619 to 1637 Born on 9 July 1578 in Graz Died on 15 February 1637 in Vienna See the 199 coins See the 3 medals and tokens Austrian Empire: Emperor Ferdinand II (1619-1637) See the 77 coins 3 Kreuzer - Ferdinand II (St Veit) 1 Thaler - Ferdinand II (Hall) 15. r/ancientrome. [8] Ferdinand chose Paul the Apostle's words"To Those Who Fight Justly Goes the Crown"as his personal motto before he left Graz in early 1590. On November 8, 1620, Catholic forces engaged those supporting the Protestant Frederick, who had taken the Bohemian kingship, at the Battle of White Mountain. [104] He demanded the dissolution of the provisional government and the rebels' army. Early years [155][154] The treaty confirmed the provisions of the previous Peace of Nikolsburg. Free shipping. [80] On 31 October 1616, Ferdinand and Maximilian III agreed to achieve the removal of Klesl, but Ferdinand wanted to conclude an agreement with Philip III about Matthias's succession before making further steps. Yet by maintaining the countrys historical provinces and estates, after their subjugation, he preserved the principle of federalism in Austria. Although Ferdinand also held to the Catholic faith, most of his rule was taken up with war against the Islamic Turks of the East. Ferdinand II decisively defeated Frederick V at the Battle of White Mountain, near Prague, on 8 November 1620. 12 days ago. He had one older sister, Archduchess Maria Ludovika, and ten younger siblings, of whom six survived infancy. Modern historians tend to view Ferdinands religious policy as determined by his time, to acknowledge his importance in molding Austrias provinces into an integral whole, and to see in his imperial policy an attempt at creating a Roman Catholic German state, however inconsistently carried out. The French were highly dissatisfied with the terms of the Peace of Prague concluded in 1635, the last important act of Ferdinand. Maximilian of Habsburg II, Emperor The Holy Roman Empire. In the spring of 1632, Wallenstein raised a fresh army in a matter of weeks and drove the Protestant army out of Bohemia. The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. [85] Philip acknowledged Ferdinand's right to inherit Matthias's realms, but Ferdinand promised to cede territories in Alsace, along with Finale Ligure and the Principality of Piombino in Italy to Philip after he succeeded Matthias as Holy Roman Emperor. Former Director, Upper Austrian Provincial Archives, Linz. [119] Ferdinand sought assistance from his staunchly Catholic brother-in-law, Sigismund III of Poland. Februar 1637 in Wien) war von 1619 bis 1637 Kaiser des Heiligen Rmischen Reiches. ferdinand i ruler of Austria; emperor, 1556-64. [49], The Ottomans failed to exploit this victory, as Rudolph II's troops managed to defeat them near Szkesfehrvr. [20] The Emperor's advisors acknowledged Ferdinand's right to regulate religious issues, yet requested he not provoke his Protestant subjects. [106][111] Since only 300 soldiers were staying in the town, Ferdinand sent envoys to his commander at Krems, Henri Dampierre and entered into negotiations with the Upper Austrian Protestants about their demands. [21] Early the following year, the representatives of the other Inner Austrian provinces swore fealty to him. [97] Royal officials arrested Protestant burghers who wanted to build a church in Broumov and destroyed a newly built church in Hrob. On his accession to the Austrian throne in 1527 Ferdinand i con-firmed the customary Jewish privileges. Later generations are included although Austrian titles of nobility were abolished in 1919. [87][83] The Venetians abandoned the territories that they had occupied in Istria and a permanent Austrian garrison was placed at Senj. Perhaps because of Wallenstein's ambiguous conduct, he was assassinated in 1634. The war left the Holy Roman Empire devastated and its population did not recover until 1710. [9] His parents asked his maternal uncle, William V, Duke of Bavaria, to oversee his education. [92] He was crowned king in the St. Vitus Cathedral on 29 June. Mai 1603), Erzherzog von sterreich * Johann Karl (* 1. Ferdinand was born in Graz, the eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. [24][38] During the visit of the commissioners, local Protestants were to choose between conversion or exile, although in practice peasants were rarely allowed to leave. Born in Graz to Charles II of Austria (1540-1590) and Maria Anna of Bavaria (1551-1608), Ferdinand was provided with a strict Jesuit education culminating in his years at the University of Ingolstadt. [146] He reached the town on 24 November, but most Protestant princes sent delegates to the convention. * Richard Reifenscheid: Die Habsburger in Lebensbildern, Piper Verlag 2007, ISBN 978-3-492-24753-5 * Thomas Winkelbauer: Stndefreiheit und Frstenmacht. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. [94], Ferdinand and Matthias met with the Lutheran John George I, Elector of Saxony in Dresden who promised to support Ferdinand at the imperial elections. They had no children. [96] After the Hungarian delegates achieved the appointment of a new palatine (or royal lieutenant) and the confirmation of the Estates' privileges, they proclaimed Ferdinand king on 16 May 1618. At Ferdinand's death in 1637, his son Ferdinand III inherited an embattled empire. [90] Two days later, the Protestant Estates elected directors to form a provisional government and started to raise an army. He was the son of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria. The Diets of Bohemia and Hungary confirmed Ferdinand's position as Matthias' successor only after he had promised to respect the Estates' privileges in both realms. Im Jahr 1629 wurde das Restitutionsedikt erlassen, das den Protestantismus schwer schdigte. Mai 1618, ein revolutionres Ereignis ungeahnter Tragweite, das hochrangige Beamte Ferdinands betraf. [87][95] John George also agreed to convince the two other Protestant electors, Frederick V of the Palatinate and John Sigismund of Brandenburg, to vote for Ferdinand. In early 1634, he was openly accused of treason and assassinated at Eger, probably at Ferdinand's instigation. [1] [2] One of several suits of armor made for the Emperor Ferdinand during the wars of Reformation and conflict with the Ottomans, the etched but functional armor is thought by scholars . Ferdinand was born in Graz, the eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. Ferdinand II, 1578-1637, Holy Roman emperor (1619-37), king of Bohemia (1617-37) and of Hungary (1618-37); successor of Holy Roman Emperor Matthias. 1529-1595. 30-vuotinen sota: Kolmikymmenvuotinen sota kytiin Euroopassa 16181648 suurimmaksi osaksi Pyhn saksalais-roomalaisen keisarikunnan alueella. der Kirche und ihren Dienern mit Fanatismus ergeben war und der Sieg der katholischen Religion ber die Ketzer sein hchstes Ziel gewesen ist. In erster Ehe heiratete Ferdinand am 23. Aber bald darauf, 1630, zwangen ihn die Frsten der Liga, denen er zu mchtig geworden war, auf dem Reichstag in Regensburg, zur Entlassung Wallensteins und zur Verminderung der kaiserlichen Truppen. [82] They besieged Gradisca from 12 February to 30 March, but they could not capture the fortress. Die gleichzeitige Landung des Schwedenknigs Gustav Adolf in Pommern entriss Ferdinand endgltig alle errungenen Erfolge und ntigte ihn, um seine Erblande zu schtzen, zu einem Vertrag mit Wallenstein. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [121][122] Ferdinand and Bethlen concluded a 9-month truce, which temporarily acknowledged Bethlen's conquests in Hungary. [19] He and his mother then met with Rudolph II in Prague,[19] where Ferdinand informed the Emperor of his plans to strengthen the position of Catholicism. Ferdinnd mg a kzdelem sorn, 1637-ben Bcsben meghalt. Nur ein Teil Schlesiens war davon ausgenommen. [156] A year later, he prescribed that all inhabitants were to convert to Catholicism in Upper Austria by the following Easter, allowing only noblemen and burghers to choose to leave the province. Eine Epoche in Lebensbildern. 1622 , (1598-1665) . [105][106] Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy hired Ernst von Mansfeld to assist the Bohemians. Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria (1614-1662). In 1617, Ferdinand was elected King of Bohemia by the Bohemian Diet. war von kleiner, gedrungener Gestalt, heiter und freundlich gegen seine Umgebung; seine Gutmtigkeit artete oft in Schwche aus, namentlich gegenber gewissenlosen Beamten. [156] At his initiative, Ferdinand decided to unite the medical and law faculties of the Charles University in Prague with the theological and philosophical faculties of the Jesuits' local college to strengthen the Jesuits' control of higher education. [76] Klesl wanted to forge a new princely alliance in the Holy Roman Empire with the participation of both Catholic and Protestant princes. [109], Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg, Archbishop of Mainz, convoked the electors' meeting to Frankfurt. He was the leading champion of the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation and of absolutist rule during the Thirty Years' War. Despite the loss of Wallenstein, Imperial forces took Regensburg and won a victory at the Battle of Nrdlingen. [44] The Calvinist magnate Istvn Bocskai rose up against Rudolph, and most Hungarian noblemen joined him before the end of 1604. The Styrian nobles and burghers unsuccessfully sought assistance from Rudolph II and their Austrian peers against him. After completing his studies in 1595, he acceded to his hereditary lands (where his older cousin Archduke Maximilian III of Austria had acted as his regent 1593-95) and made a pilgrimage to Loreto and Rome. Im Reich markierte der Regensburger Frstentag einen Hhepunkt kaiserlicher Macht. [22] Johannes Kepler, who had been staying in the town, noted that the Protestant burghers watched Ferdinand's return with some apprehension. Die Mrder wurden mit Anteilen am Gesamtvermgen Wallensteins belohnt, welches auf diese Weise schnell ausgegeben war. Join. He was also the last governor of the Spanish Netherlands and Duke of Luxembourg. Philip III of Spain, who was the childless Matthias' nephew, acknowledged Ferdinand's right to succeed Matthias in Bohemia and Hungary in exchange for territorial concessions in 1617. His parents were devout Catholics, and, in 1590, they sent him to study at the Jesuits' college in Ingolstadt because they wanted to isolate him from the Lutheran nobles. [159] Tens of thousands of Protestants left Upper Austria during the following years. On May 22, 1618, two royal (Catholic) officials in Prague were thrown out a castle window by Bohemian Protestants (the Defenestration of Prague). Verlag Carl Ueberreuther, Wien 2004., ISBN 3-8000-3532-4. Als Wallenstein schlielich durch seinen Anhnger Graf Trka von der Absetzung informiert wurde, zog er sich von Pilsen nach Eger zurck und wurde dort unter anderem von dem Obersten Walter Butler ermordet. [67] Ferdinand embraced Schoppe's views and appointed him to start negotiations with Pope Paul V about a "just war" for the defence of the interests of Catholics, but the Pope avoid making a commitment, because he did not want to outrage Henry IV of France. In his second marriage to Anna Juliana Gonzaga, he was the father of Anna of Tyrol, future Holy Roman Empress. [51] Rudolph did not abdicate the throne, and announced that he was thinking of appointing Ferdinand's brother, Leopold, his successor. 1 / 3. of Habsburg, Karl Joseph of Habsburg, Maria Magdalena of Habsburg, Gregoria Maximiliane of Habsburg, Anna of Habsburg, Ferdinand of Habs a of Habsburg, Leopold Wilhelm of Habsburg, Christine of Habsburg, Karl of Habsburg, John Karl of Habsburg, Leopold Wilhelm of Habsburg, July 19 1578 - Graz, Graz, Steiermark, Austria, Feb 15 1637 - Wiener Neustadt, Niedersterreich, Austria, Karl Ii von Habsburg, Maria Anna von Bavaria, Margaret von Osterreich, Leopold V von Osterreich, Maria Anna von Habsburg, Ferdinand III von Habsburg, Leopold Oostenrijk, Maria Magdalena van Oostenrijk-Habsburg, Maria Anna Van. His father was the heir to Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor. During the first decade of the Thirty Years War, Ferdinand strengthened his position by transferring the Palatinates electoral office to Maximilian of Bavaria. [21] He was first officially installed as ruler in Styria in December. He opposed the expulsion of *Prague Jewry in 1541, permitting the Jew Hermann to print Hebrew books there and punished the ringleaders of anti . Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. [148] He invested Maximilian with the electoral title on 25 February 1623, but the envoys of the electors of Brandenburg and Saxony and the Spanish ambassador were absent from the ceremony. Born in Vienna, Maximilian was a son of his predecessor, Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Anna of Bohemia and Hungary (1503-1547).Anne was a daughter of King Ladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary and his wife Anne de Foix. [159] Instead, he sent troops from Lower Austria to assist the Bavarian army in the crushing of the rebellion which was accomplished by the end of November. Ferdinand II, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania, Bulgaria, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Margrave of Moravia, Duke of Luxemburg, of the Higher and Lower Silesia, of Wrttemberg and Teck, Prince of Swabia, Count of Habsburg, Tyrol, Kyburg and Goritia, Marquess of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgovia, the Higher and Lower Lusace, Lord of the Marquisate of Slavonia, of Port Naon and Salines, etc. zum Knig erreichen und starb am 15. Archduchess Maria Johanna Gabriela (1750-1762). Archduchess Cecilia Renata of Austria (July 16, 1611-March 24, 1644), who married her cousin Wadysaw IV Vasa, King of Poland. [37] He claimed that the unlawful prosecution of Catholics had forced him to adopt strict measures, adding that the Holy Spirit had inspired his acts. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for JOHN I, Madonna w/ Child, Medieval Silver Denar, Holy Roman Emperor, c 1535 AD at the best online prices at eBay! [160] French troops were garrisoned along the French frontiers and Richelieu sent envoys to the wealthy and ambitious Christian IV of Denmark and other Protestant rulers to convince them to form a new league. Ferdinndot ers katolikus szellemben neveltk, s a ppai oktatk azt is beleneveltk az ifj hercegbe, hogy ezeket a szent elveket a kormnyzsba is t kell vinnie. [149][150], Ferdinand decided to unite the Habsburgs' hereditary landsInner Austria, Upper and Lower Austria and Tyrolinto a new kingdom. [24][31] When the Protestant nobles and burghers protested against his decree, he replied that the Estates had no jurisdiction in religious affairs. Born in the castle in Graz on 9 July 1578, Ferdinand was the son of Charles II, Archduke of Austria, and Maria of Bavaria. [71] He stayed neutral in the family feud, which enabled him to mediate between the two brothers. Born: July 9, 1578 Birthplace: Graz, Duchy of Styria, Austria, Holy Roman Empire Star Sign: Cancer Died: February 15, 1637 (aged 58) Historical Events 1619-08-08 Duke Maximilian I & Emperor Ferdinand II signs Treaty of Munchen 1619-08-28 Ferdinand II elected Holy Roman Emperor (rules till 1637) Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II (1741-1790) Archduchess Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen (1742-1798) Archduchess Maria Elisabeth (1743-1808). Ferdinand II Elected Holy Roman Emperor. [76] Since Matthias and his two surviving brothers, Maximilian III and Albert VII were childless, his succession in Austria, Bohemia, Hungary and the Holy Roman Empire was uncertain. [73] Matthias, Ferdinand and Maximilian III assembled at Vienna to discuss the issue with Philip III's envoy, Baltasar de Ziga, in December. [141], Ferdinand met his second wife, the 23-year-old Eleonora Gonzaga, in Innsbruck on 1 February 1622. Zwar scheiterte sein Plan, sich der Seeherrschaft auf der Ostsee zu bemchtigen, an dem erbitterten Widerstand, den Stralsund der Belagerung durch Wallenstein entgegenstellte. [136] Ferdinand demanded further trials, but Liechtenstein convinced him to grant a general pardon, because Mansfeld's troops had not been expelled from western Bohemia. von Polen und dessen Gattin Erzherzogin Anna von sterreich-Steiermark * Leopold Wilhelm (1614-1662), Statthalter der spanischen Niederlande In zweiter Ehe heiratete er am 2. [54] At the opening session of the Diet on 12 January 1608, Ferdinand demanded funds from the Imperial Estates on the Emperor's behalf to finance 24,000 troops. In return he promised in a secret treaty (1617) to cede to them Alsace and the imperial fiefs in Italy. Son of Ferdinand II (q.v.) Ferdinand II, Archduke of Further Austria (Linz, 14 June 1529 - 24 January 1595, Innsbruck) was ruler of Further Austria and since 1564 Imperial count of Tirol.The son of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, he was married to Philippine Welser in his first marriage. Given the relatively large number of Protestants within the kingdom, including many among the noble classes, the new king soon became unpopular and some dissidents participated in the ensuing Bohemian Revolt. [69][70] However, William V and Maximilian of Bavaria ignored him when they and the three ecclesiastical electorsthe archbishops of Mainz, Trier and Cologneestablished the Catholic League in February 1610. von Spanien und dessen Gattin Erzherzogin Margarethe von sterreich-Steiermark. By creating an independent Austrian court chancellery and by establishing in his will the principles of Austrias indivisibility and of primogeniture in his family, he made an essential contribution to the countrys national integration. In 1619, however, the largely Protestant diet of Bohemia deposed him, electing Frederick V, elector of the Palatinate, as their king. Protestant princes sent delegates to the convention: Stndefreiheit und Frstenmacht * Thomas Winkelbauer: Stndefreiheit Frstenmacht... 106 ] Charles Emmanuel i, Holy Roman Empire devastated and its did!, Ferdinand strengthened his ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor by transferring the Palatinates electoral office to Maximilian i, Holy Roman Empress 1618. In the family feud, which temporarily acknowledged Bethlen 's conquests in Hungary mit! A victory at the Battle of White Mountain, near Prague, on 8 November.. White Mountain, near Prague, on 8 November 1620 155 ] [ 154 ] the Calvinist Istvn... 'S settings to use this part of Geni hochrangige Beamte Ferdinands betraf the provisional and! The Imperial fiefs in Italy a kzdelem sorn, 1637-ben Bcsben meghalt to oversee his education a... 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ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor