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enemies of the empire pdf

. . 46 Naga Archetypes. . . . Thus, the Cloud Sect is among the most outgoing subject, then hand the poor soul over to Dream Sect agents.and least secretive branches of the Kolat, freely sharing its The victim is spirited back to the Hidden Temple and spendswisdom with the rest of the conspiracy. 209 Ryokaku no Oni, Pirates . Unfortunately there is no hard and fast rule about how this should be gauged, as it will vary quite c INSIGHT RANK For human opponents, the best and a bit from opponent to opponent. . .124, Mastery Level 5 . The identity of the ten Kolat Masters is one of the con- Kolat are masters of concealment and patience. . . This allows Master Cloud to maintain tight and direct other signals. . . . . . . . The caster (or another person touched bythe caster) gains a Greater Shadowlands Power of his choicefor the duration of the spell.MASTERY LEVEL 3 SYMBOL OF THE BLOODSPEAKER The BloodspeakersDANCING WITH DEMONS c Ring/Mastery: Air 3 (Maho, Wards) 29 c Range: Touch c Ring/Mastery: Air 3 (Maho) c Area of Effect: 50 radius ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE c Range: 500 c Duration: 12 hours c Area of Effect: Self or one target creature c Raises: None c Duration: 24 hours c Raises: Duration (+6 hours per Raise) The Bloodspeaker Cult uses this spell to protect their meet- ing places against unwanted intrusion. Before the events of A New Hope, Darth Vader employs Boba Fett, on a mission to discover and bring to Vader a single small box, the contents of which could change the fate of the galaxy.But there's a catch: Vader trusts no one, and the truth of the box's mystery is too important to allow the bounty hunter to live! trine is built entirely around personal achievement within one lifetime. . . Mostly made up of disillusioned peasants, and nobles who wish to see . . . . This is the work of the Dream Sect,with espionage, magic, blackmail, and mental conditioning, which specializes in the strange and unnatural task of creat- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREis maintained and studied by the Cloud Sect. The Kolat are the perfect vehicle for intro-ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE In addition, on at least one occasion a misguided meg- ducing such stories to an L5R campaign. . Empire 1985 91 Pdf is additionally useful. . Perhaps when Kitaro returned mother great joy to visit it and remember.to the Imperial City he would speak to the stable master abouttrying to cure such behavior, but for now it was a minor an- My lord, a voice came from behind them, I must pleasenoyance at most. . . .132, The Obsidian Hand . 39 Naga Tactics. Even after his naldefeat, his immortal black heart burned to a crisp and his soulsent nally screaming to Jigoku, the nightmare may not beover. . How he will react to the destruction of the AMPLE OLAT ASTER Hidden Temple remains to be seen.The Kolat YASUKI JINN-KUEN, AIR 4 EARTH 3 FIRE 4 WATER 3 VOID 4 MASTER COIN, LATE TWELFTH CENTURY AWARENESS 5 - INTELLIGENCE 6 PERCEPTION 5 - Bright and energetic despite his increasing age, Yasuki Jinn- Kuen is fortunate to look much younger than he is, merely Honor: 2.7 (4.7) Status: 7.2 Glory: 6.4 one of many tools he employs to make sure others grossly underestimate him. 216 Across Rokugan . Shahai hoped to bargain lord and master once again.with the Bloodspeaker on behalf of her lord, Daigotsu, but thesorcerer double-crossed her with the aid of Yajinden, whose The modern Bloodspeaker Cult is only a shadow of its for-imprisonment had forced him into loyalty once more. Giant squid may grow even larger, up to thirty (also sometimes called the mako) is a eet, aggressive ani-or forty feet long, although such huge specimens are only mal about four feet long. Although the cults senior leaders and most powerful sorcerers usually recognize Power is the main focus of the Cult of the Blood Red Moon. .172 Trolls . . . . . . . Strength Trait, and Wounds. . . . . . . Eye permitted them to observe events from vast distances, The Kolat admired Shinsei from the moment he ap- almost anywhere they wished, and the strange crystal tears peared, but saw the Little Teacher in a different light that oozed from it could be used to communicate over equally than normal Rokugani. 142 History of the Five Races: of the Hungry Dead. However, the 4th Edition Design Team having supernatural capacities. . . . Not always pleasant, of course, but nev- (Cipher) 5, Commerce (Appraisal, Mathematics) 8, Courtier er, ever boring. . . . . Black bears are noted forthe occasional rabid or confused bat may try to do so. . . . . When travelersresponsible for gathering intelligence for the conspiracy, col- stray too close, the Steel patrollers rst attempt to causelecting information in every possible way and conveying it accidents to turn the visitors away. Meet Your Enemies. . . Monkeys are not a physical danger to samurai, or evento most peasants, but their thieving and destructive naturecan make them a considerable nuisance. The Kolat suddenly had an intelligence source servant of the Kami. OF THE EMPIRE. 243 Sample Kenku . a potential successor from within the Kolat ranks, and the candidates are tested rigorously by the entire leadership. . . . The Onis Eye was cap-ever grew too strong. . . . (For more. .135 the Finned Maw . The hidden Bloodspeaker cellsacross the Empire emerged to ght, their ranks swollen practi-cally overnight by the effects of the Rain of Blood. . . . What do we have to fear There is nothing like it, the Crane magistrate answered from myth and superstition? . justied but vitally necessary. . Hirotadas men are for the most part loyal to his goals and adept at lying to magistrates. . . . The most select of these were allowed to Hantei Jama was the younger brother of the Hantei Em- join him in the active study of maho and would eventuallyperor who reigned at the turn of the sixth century. . . .101 Bloodspeaker Philosophy . . . . . . It was a key and leaderless, and the remaining Masters had to devote allblow against the Darkness, but it exposed the existence of the their efforts to ensuring something survived for the future.Kolat to the Empire as a whole. The GM can obviate this problem easilyenough if all of the players are willing to run Kolat charac- The key to running a campaign with an active Kolat playerters, but if only part of the group is interested in running a character is balance. 79 Mastery Level 6 . . His nature as a twistedkansen-bound entity also gives him perverse insight into the ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRErealm of maho, allowing him to create unique spells and ritu-als that cannot be replicated.Advantages: c Forbidden Knowledge (Maho) c QuickDisadvantages: c Antisocial c Disturbing CountenanceSpecial Ability: c Jama Surus peculiar nature makes him strangely di- vorced from normal human behavior and weaknesses. ation but if the player is willing to embrace the drama and tragedy inherent in such a storyline, it can be a very exciting A good way to handle the ow of information and pre- addition to the campaign.vent meta-gaming in a game involving Kolat characters isto make every character write down their actions and pass 45them to the GM. They do not go out of their way NEW ADVANTAGE INHERITANCE: TRAINED to attack humans, but a cornered or trapped badger will ght FALCON [MATERIAL] (2 POINTS, 1 POINT FOR with a ferocity matching that of a samurai. 150 The Kenku and Shinseism . This journey eventually took him to the Imperial Capi- Yajindens most notable early contribution to the cult was the tal, and it was there he first met Otomo Jama, first in his creation of porcelain masks which could reanimate corpses as public identity and later in his hidden guise as the leader obedient zombies. A disguised geisha might fallin love with her mark. .179 Yomi, The Realm Rings and Traits . Notable Lost Villains . If the agents break they are killed. Explore the hard lives of ronin, and the strange cultures of the Naga, Ratlings, and other non-human races. . AIR 1 EARTH 5 FIRE 1 WATER 2 Cats do not like ghting and will try to ee if they take 5 REFLEXES 3 - AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 4 or more Wounds. 53 The Before Time The Long Peace . Up until prefer to at least have a chance of getting the better of their the twelfth century, most Scorpion were too secure in their foes. . . . . . That the Bloodspeakers repeated defeats owed as Spells: Yajinden has learned and memorized all known much to his own haste and ambition as to his enemies power maho spells, although his knowledge is not as extensive as only further weakened Yajindens loyalty. . . EMPIRE David Lepore T odd Rowland John Zinser Brian Bates. . No denite link is known animal and is much more likely to attack than the smaller between mundane snakes and the serpentine race of the Naga, aoizame shark. If the accidents do notback to the Hidden Temple for analysis. . .105, Mastery Level 1 . 206 Mechanics . (This cannot decrease the Taint gain below 1 point. . Do not sell or share my personal information. .210 Shikage no Oni, Wandering Swordsmen . . When the scope of a keeps the Lotus assassins themselves at their best, since he threat is within the ability of a few agents to deal with, they may arrive at any moment without notice. . . . . . . . . . . c Other Requirements: Must be a member of the Kolat conspiracy and chosen to lead one of the ten Sects.NEW ADVANTAGE: Cannot be Tainted or corrupted by the Nothing.SHADOWED HEART [MENTAL] (5 POINTS) TECHNIQUE: WILL OF THE MASTERYou have trained your mind to be nigh-inscrutable to thosewho surround you. . . . . . . . . . 30 A Brief History . Kolat actors and assassins of theThe Kolat Lotus sect are often trained to eliminate a specic target and AIR 4 EARTH 3 FIRE 4 WATER 2 VOID 3 replace him or her. The founders of the Kolat were a strange mixture of It appeared to be a giant crystalline globe, larger than a man opportunistic power-mongers and subtle philosophers. . . You could buy guide Lost Empire Pdf or get it as soon as feasible. . 151 Ningen-do, The Realm of Mortals . Not every campaign, was successful. . . . . They are pri- c Required Skills: Courtier (Manipulation) 5, Intimida-marily intended for NPCs, but a GM who is willing to allow tion (Control) 4Kolat PCs (as outlined earlier) can also make some or all ofthese mechanics available to the players. . . . Although most of its membership dwells within exact methods are a secret known only to senior operativesthe Hidden Temple, its agents are dispatched throughout the of the Dream Sect and their leader, Master Dream, also some-Empire when needed. . 267 Nosloc no Oni, Bandits. . . . The Jama Suru personality does seem to have some glimmeringSkills: Battle 5, Courtier 2, Defense 4, Etiquette 3, Intimida- of recognition of its past existences, and it seems at least re-tion (Control) 4, Kenjutsu (Katana) 5, Knives 3, Lore: Battle motely possible that Jama Suru might appear in a time when3, Lore: Heraldry 2, Lore: Maho 7, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Iuchiban himself is not active. . . With a fresh army of new recruits at his back, Iuchiban con-tinued to spread his power heedlessly, making little effort to con-ceal his actions. Common animals in their territory include badgers,control some coastal mountains as well. What can there be in the forest to threaten experienced Normally Kitaro would chide the boy for speaking out of hunters like ourselves?turn, but today he could only grin wider. . . This book contains mundane creatures, the a bushi and courtier. LEGEND WRITTEN BY:. . Foremost among them, in my opinion, are the Naga.anything like it! The serpent men? Kitaru scoffed. .153 The Tsuno . . . . He devoted every possible 5 regarded the vast expanse of forest before him. etc) spontaneously appear on the target. . Stuart Biggs, Edward Reynolds, Ryan Gossens. The Romans won the battle of Lake Regillus in 496 BC, aided, they . . During eras when particular group of Bloodspeakers might be at any level ofhe is inactive the Cults homage is more distant, and some power and capability. 37 Greensnake . In those of considerable strength for the Kolat, since it meant the early days Rokugan was still only lightly populated, and the members of the conspiracy were willing to do anything, Kolat agents were not detected during their journey. . 79 Mastery Level 4 . Since its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenges after challenges. . . . At its most powerful, the Empire cast a shadow across the known . . . . . Kolat recruiters of Kolat Master. . . . . . . . . . From the seeming heightsout centuries of effort in a few weeks. . 226 ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE After Oblivions Gate . . . The Burning Sands were once a lush and fertile realm before the Heavens wrath reduced it to dry dunes, After the fall of the Hidden Temple, the Jade Sect largely bleached rocks, and embattled oases. Watermarked PDF $24.99 $24.99 Average Rating (19 ratings) Meet Your Enemies Since its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenge after challenge. . It was in the wake of this terrible act that he took theand rebellion. . . 108Table of Contents Mastery Level 3 . . . The last one actually took the name before IuchibansTaint Rank: 3.5 rise to power, but he too fell in 1166 to Isawa Sezaru. . . The Heavens dictated their suffering, so theyturn against the Heavens. . . Lost Empire Pdf Recognizing the exaggeration ways to acquire this books Lost Empire Pdf is additionally useful. Strange Creatures of Rokugan - a L5R 5th Edition Monster Manual. . . . . . . Action to spend a Void Point and negate the benecial effectsOnly ten exist at any one time, and they generally achieve of the Maneuver. . . . . . the Grave became the cults principle crafter of the porcelain Yajinden was a major figure in the early Bloodspeaker masks, freeing Yajinden to pursue work on even more potent 20 Cults rise to power, crafting innumerable dark artifacts creations. The Kolat quickly became a veritable cult of true Kyuden Hida for investigation, but the Kolat struck rst. . . This visible symbol of his power wouldsoon draw the attention of numerous enemies, including the Em-perors brother Sezaru. There are scholarsamong my clan who have made it their sole purpose to study The Crane smiled. . . The GM should strive to take away this sense conspiracy could not abide the thought that another power of certainty and put the players into a situation where the de- might remake the universe into its image, and as the Dark- feat of the Kolat clearly rests on their shoulders. . 176 the Realm of Thwarted Destiny . This is especially important if Shadow and its growing power, the Kolat became aware of it the players are familiar with the canonical timeline of Roku- from an early date and observed the Darkness slow growth gan and thus know the Scorpion will eventually destroy the and sinister inltration of the Empire with concern. . KolatENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE Master Tiger, the leader of this sect, is an enigmatic gure, resources allow their agents to procure the deadliest of toxins and his identity is known only to the other Masters. . . This C Stheoretically ensures only the nest members of the Kolat canENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE HRYSANTHEMUM ECT rise to the position of Master, although in practice it does not The Chrysanthemum Sect was the name given to those who always work out that way. . .152 The Naga and Pearl Magic . They have guarded Willpower at TN 20 or fall Prone due to the unbearable pain. For his part, the Dragon Kami allowed the Kolat to exist because he saw they, too, had their part to play in the destiny of the Empire. 37 Constrictor . Ramsay MacMullen, Enemies of the Roman Order: Treason, Unrest, and Alienation in the Empire. . Given that recurring or persistent villains who return to bedevil the PCsBloodspeaker doctrine emphasizes the power of the individual over and over again. They are the open ears give the entire area a reputation as naturally dangerous.that none are aware of. . . . The boy was learning, the CraneIt goes on forever! thought. recover from injury and sickness. . . . Unless treated with magic or the Medicine skill (TN 30), the character will c Fear 2 11 suffer from chronic fevers, chills, and muscle aches, c Swift 3 (except when going downhill) reducing all physical Traits by 1. . . . . . . . . Thus while its leader was lost, the era were small groups of angry and embittered outcasts peas- Bloodspeaker Cult lived on and would continue to threaten ants, eta, failed and dishonored samurai, the power-hungry and the Empire. . . The target of the spell Disadvantages may or may not persist the GM should ad- judicate such situations.) These groups sometimes come into conflict with the Kolat itself, although more often the Ten Masters al- low such groups to operate without interference after Conspiracy stories have an intrinsic appeal just look at the all, such groups can form effective scapegoats for failed success of The X-Files and the enduring obsessions with the Kolat plots. . . . Tora and his fellow, The growth of the Kolat was initially a painfully slow pro- Philosophical cess, and might well have failed to make signicant headway at all but for the intervention of fate. . . . . His memories were mostly destroyed, but his guile the medium through which two worlds collaborate toward the and his hatred of corruption remained fully intact, and he same goal. . . . . . . Download or read book Enemies in the Empire written by Stefan Manz and published by Oxford University Press, USA. . . . Even worse, those of them who do truly understand 24 the nature of the afterlife and the kharmic wheel realize their deeds are likely to get them condemned after death as slaver-The Bloodspeakers ing gaki or an onis eternal plaything. . 57 The Restoration of the One Tribe . I would be greatly uncomfortable at irritation in his voice for the rst time. . . . . . Regardless, allis normally only eaten by eta, although peasants and even forms of tiger are dangerous and they have little fear of men.samurai have sometimes eaten it when they had no otherchoice. 99 The Bloodspeaker The Code of Shourido . To the contrary, the Kolats goals and meth- order the Empire is nothing an honorable samurai ods mean they judge men by their abilities rather than theirshould do. . for such inconveniences as birth, station, or tradition. REFLEXES 4 STAMINA 3 AGILITY 4 STRENGTH 4 Constrictor snakes are large beasts, anywhere from eight to Initiative: 4k4 Attack: Bite 5k4 (Complex) fteen feet long. . . Regardless of the details of the visit, the Oracles as possible, using maho primarily to subvert and manipulate manifestations always leave their victim shaken and customers to ensure maximum prots and disrupt his compe- stunned, intensely aware of its power and domination. . Moreover, the Kolat sometimes employ ronin such as the Weavers as front-men for their as- sassinations to further confuse their enemies. . . . When he is free and chant Yasuki Hirotada, whose lack of ethics and obsession roaming the world, the Cult functions as little more than with using money to gain station and power attracted the an extension of his immense will. . . . . . useful enemies islam and the ottoman empire in western . Iuchiban in all of his incarnations was human ambitionincarnate, demonstrating the extremes a man was capableof taking if his desires went unfullled. . ers, though of course proper samurai will not actually eat Hunting of foxes is by no means universal, however, since such red meat. . xii + 370 . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Chapter 14: Appendix . Giant octopi do ters, many of which are too small or inoffensive to threatenexist, however, and can reach a size of between fourteen and humans. Each of the ten Kolat Masters had samurai. . Michael Phillippi, Joseph Phillips, Eric Polak, Mike Raabe. dition to wooded hills and barren plains, the Scorpion over-The Crane holdings are predominantly coastal and as such see numerous dense forests, strong rivers, and dangeroushave plenty of open elds and farmlands, although they also swamps. Islam and the Ottoman empire in Western political thought, 1450-1750. Having trav- The Empire once again faced the problem of how to con- eled distant lands for centuries, the children of the Ki-Rin tain Iuchibans power. . . . . . . GOAT (KAMOSHIKA) Rokugani goats are among the largest species of goat in the world, standing up to three feet tall and weighing up to 290 pounds. . . The fate of the original c Area of Effect: Caster and one target creature soul is unknown, and some Rokugani believe it may actually c Duration: 3 Rounds be destroyed, a truly horric and blasphemous act. . .74 Mastery Level 2 Memory Sticks . . Previously, the Kolat had been littlein the Empire. . . He tries to keep the cell undercover as much enemy. . public conrmation that the Kolat existed and had done so for centuries.The Age of Man The conspiracy attempted to deal with this by adjustingHumanity lives with blinders on. . . 280 the Demon of Purity . . . . . . . . .153 Tsuno as Adversaries . However, a combination of a Roc agent is dispatched to deliver whatever might be re- his own will and Kolat intervention saved him from becoming quired. Tigers are not If Stamina is reduced to 0 by the poison, Earth and pack animals, preferring solitude and viciously defending Wounds become 0 as well, and the victim dies. Indeed, the Kolat have long recognized the ful- from their superiors in the other sects. 10 Fierce But Often Forgotten Enemies of Rome Read Later Print Rome, this very name conjures up images of an ancient empire so vast that experts from different ages have been spellbound by the unprecedented magnanimity of its reaches. . Only those reddish-black energy owing out of the dead body and intoof the Bloodspeakers who are high-ranking and knowledge- the caster. . . .214, INTRODUCTIONENEMIES OF THE IntroductionDoji Kitaro could not keep the grin from his face as he Falconry was Kitaros passion. They employ a soft and subtle hand whenever possible. . . NOTEWORTHY BLOODSPEAKERS FIERCE BLOOD OF THE EARTH The following section provides statistics for three notable c Ring/Mastery: Earth 5 (Maho) Bloodspeaker leaders who have plagued the Empires history. . . . . In a land where honor is stronger than steel, birth. . . 60 (or, Can I Play A Ratling?) In turn, Otomo Jama arranged for these swords to be gifted to the champions of the Scorpion, Crab, Crane, and Lion Clans, intending their power would destroy these leaders and plunge the Empire into chaos. 87 Kolat of the Empire. . If the caster wins, the target remains immobilized by the spell (unable to take Actions of any kind) Raise) and suffers 2k2 damage. This is why you remain in the best website to look the unbelievable book to have. . . Each individual cell of a Bloodspeaker PCs can never be sure who is a Tainted cultist and who is anCult branch is normally no more than ve to six members innocent.with one leader, though during peak activities they may haveas many as eight or ten members. . . . 64 Campaign Options: The Nezumi as Adversaries . . . . And of course maho spellsBlood. . ASAHINA YAJINDEN, THE ARTIFICER OF BLOOD Advantages: AIR 7 EARTH 4 FIRE 4 WATER 3 VOID 5 c Allies (Bloodspeaker Cult) c Forbidden Knowledge (Maho) - WILLPOWER 6 INTELLIGENCE 7 PERCEPTION 6 - c Great Potential (Craft: Weaponsmith) c Prodigy Initiative: 10k9+2 Attack: Knife 10k4 c Soul of Artistry (Craft: Weaponsmith) Damage: 4k1 (Knife) Disadvantages: Armor TN: 40 c Compulsion (master his art) Wounds: Normal human c Infamous Wound Ranks c Jealousy (Iuchiban) School/Rank: Asahina Shugenja 2/Bloodspeaker Technique (Insight Rank 8)ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE Taint Rank: 2.3 Yajinden, the master articer of the Bloodspeakers and crafter of the legendary bloodswords, remains an enigmatic gure. In keeping become his chief lieutenants in the emerging cult: Jama Suruwith tradition, when his brother took the throne he joined the and Asahina Yajinden.Otomo family to eliminate any conict of inheritance withhis older sibling. . . . . . . . Falconry is seen as an honorable and worthwhile pursuit and can come in handy during diplomacy, since hunt- Badgers are small predators with nasty dispositions. . The Kolats manipulation of events within the Empire pro- ceeded for centuries, each tiny step advancing their plan by almost imperceptibly small increments, each garnering more power and inuence for the conspiracy. . the lament, alongside God and the lamenter.2 While the "enemy" could be sickness or slander, Israel's paradigmatic enemy after 587 b.c.e. .111 The Asp . . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREdispatched a trusted magistrate, Soshi Takasho, to visit the capi- His early life in many ways mirrored that of Hanteital and learn the source of this strange weapon. If the maho-tsukai remains within takes the other 75% (rounded up). Jinn-Kuen joined the Kolat so long ago School/Rank: Yasuki Merchant 5 / Kolat Master he barely remembers life before the conspiracy, but he is quite convinced it must have been very boring. Jama andnear the Imperial Crypts, just weeks away from unleashing Suru, covered in mud and hidden from sight, survivedan army of undead reanimated from the Crypts themselves. How exactly he learnedWe thought you were going to be Emperor, they replied. This allows the cell to move elsewhere The Oracle appears in dreams as a shape rising from any time there are signs of trouble or Witch Hunters moveENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE a dark pool of blood, sometimes a human form and into the area. . . . . . It also meant the conspiracy was from the begin- for it. . . . . Badgers are found TORITAKA CHARACTERS) in all areas of the Rokugani mainland. . How could they justify resistanceagainst beings who were literally divine? . become carriers of diseases. . . . . The Bloodspeakers But Iuchiban is more than just a name. . . Some of them even dwell in the cold mountains of the north, warming themselves in natural hot springs. . 241 The Powers of Shadow . . . . . It is rare for a bat to attempt to feed off of a human, but are most plentiful in Phoenix lands. . . . .244 Initiative . . . . . using its inuence to steer unknowing samurai toward an identied problem. . Its lead merchant is usually of creation could appear within the dreams of any member the Yasuki family, capable of maintaining and sponsoring his of the Cult, allowing Iuchiban to watch over his followers own mercantile activities anywhere in the Empire so long as and to some degree guide their plans and activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . PDF. . . Any time an opponent in a skirmish de- clares a Maneuver against you (including the Increased Dam-The Ten Kolat Masters are among the most devious, manipu- age Maneuver), you may choose to immediately take a Freelative, and ruthless individuals in the entire Emerald Empire. . . Hunting in the forest is vastly more difcultlikelihood of any such rat things fairly low. than you are accustomed to, and this forest is, as Hikaru says, quite unlike any other, and possibly dangerous. There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of historical recordsindicating the emergence of spirits, unidentied animals, or I will be careful, Lord Kitaro.even oni from the forest, Hikaru said. The lands governed by the Great Clans of Rokugan The Islands of Silk and Spice are Rokugans most uniquecover an enormous area, and each includes multiple types of habitat. . . . . . . Sharks have a tendency to attack in a berserker-like fury when they smell blood in the water, which they are capable of Octopi are usually not aggressive animals. . . . Truth is power to the Silk Sect, and they visitors with accidents.are in the business of obtaining as much of it as possible. .180 Yume-do, The Realm of Dreams. . . .69 Nezumi Characters and NPCs . . Sleeper agents are a vital tool in this program, since they can be unleashed Within the Kolat, Tiger agents are spoken of in hushed without warning to kill someone for no apparent reason or tones and whispers. . . . . Whilethe Oracle of Blood has been silent since his death, it maycontinue to exist, as it is comprised of the ethereal stuff ofdreams. AIR 1 EARTH 2 FIRE 1 WATER 1 REFLEXES 2 - AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 2 Initiative: 2k2 Attack: Horns 4k3 (Complex) Damage: 3k2 Armor TN: 15 Reduction: 4 Wounds: 16: +10; 32: Dead c Swift 2 Skills: Athletics 2 Special Abilities:ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE FOX (KITSUNE) c Swift 2 Foxes are small vulpine creatures, distantly related to dogs. solely because of their childish fight. The treatment of captured enemies often depended on their readiness to submit themselves to the will of the Assyrian . Wouldsoon draw the attention of numerous enemies, including the Em-perors brother Sezaru, or tradition none! 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