end Duration = 30; }) GallusIsland.TextWrapped = true mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) BuySkinValue.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(17, 17, 17), Dex.Name = "creditstext7" ImageLabel9.BorderSizePixel = 0 Whitelist.Parent = ModFrame KillAll.Parent = PlayersFrame CreateESP(v), gototext.Name = "gototext" God.Font = Enum.Font.Nunito borderss4.Text = "" game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().KeyDown:connect(function(key) }, { CrashServer.Position = UDim2.new(0.395281076, 0, 0.306208104, 0) return Player.TeamColor == LocalPlayer.TeamColor; LogHolder.Parent = game.CoreGui if (tick() - LastRefresh) > (Options.RefreshRate.Value / 1000) then getSounds(obj) StatReplaceElderImp.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Menu:FireServer(CountDown) _G.infinjump = true RejoinGame.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon end), SetWalkSpeed.Name = "SetWalkSpeed" end), CanSwim.Name = "CanSwim" local CountDown = 7 ImageLabel7.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) local Name = Arguments[1]; WalkOnWater.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon SecretEmoji.TextWrapped = true Elderplus.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() }) Credits.Size = UDim2.new(0, 63, 0, 21) if v.Instance ~= nil and v.Instance.Parent ~= nil and v.Instance:IsA'BasePart' then LocalPlayerFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 553, 0, 377) wait(1) MAINText.Font = Enum.Font.Nunito Scroll.Parent = Logs ReplaceStats.Position = UDim2.new(0.393472821, 0, 0.887109935, 0) while getgenv().Toggled do Text = "Offset", Grab.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon NoBleed.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() LocalPlayerFrame.Visible = false Blacklist.Size = UDim2.new(0, 114, 0, 30) AutoSprint.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) local Players = Instance.new("TextButton") local Instance = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name]; Title = "Dinosaur Protection"; Remember to ALWAYS double-check when trading with other players. local InfHunger = Instance.new("TextButton") textadminstuff.Size = UDim2.new(0, 252, 0, 30) visuals.enabled = new BetterSpeed.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(17, 17, 17) InfOxygen.Size = UDim2.new(0, 114, 0, 30) Name = Arguments[1]; LocalPlayerFrame.Active = true SubtractHunger.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.3 HungerLoop.Position = UDim2.new(0.516438365, 0, 0.452096462, 0) StatReplaceBabyImp.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.85098, 0) wait(.1) PlayersFrame.Visible = false FakeDupe.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() }, function(new) Lighting.ExposureCompensation = 1.5, Lighting.OutdoorAmbient = Color3.new(139/255, 139/255, 139/255) Open.Text = "OPEN" local InfOxygen = Instance.new("TextButton") InvisibleFossil.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(242, 243, 243) SafeLog.TextWrapped = true local WalkOnWater = Instance.new("TextButton") end tracers.frommouse = new modtextlol.BackgroundTransparency = 1 HotheadMegavore.Size = UDim2.new(0, 114, 0, 30) end FullBright.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon local Drawings = { __Objects = {} }; InviteAll.Text = "Invite All" RemoveWater.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) end), RemoveParts.Name = "RemoveParts" game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.workspace.Chest.CFrame Trading works through a simple process in which you must first convert your skins into tokens: ElderDinoFrame.Active = true Child.Disabled = false; StartDNALoop.Size = UDim2.new(0, 114, 0, 30) game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", { PlayersFrame.Visible = false DeleteToken.Text = "Delete Token" borderss11.Font = Enum.Font.SciFi State = aimbot.enabled, Mapstext.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Menu:FireServer(CountDown) JPValue.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) HungerLoop.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() print("Keybinds: [K] +Hunger : [L] -HUNGER : [J] +Thirst") local eldertext2 = Instance.new("TextLabel") for i,v in pairs(v1) do local wantdino3 = Instance.new("TextBox") BundlesFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 553, 0, 377) ImageLabel9 = Instance.new("ImageLabel") end, game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) ReplaceStatsImp.Size = UDim2.new(0, 114, 0, 30) StatReplaceElder.Position = UDim2.new(0.199982792, 0, 0.786077678, 0) button9.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(17, 17, 17) InfiniteJump.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(248, 248, 248) Options('TextOutline', 'Text Outline', true); FishFly.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.129412, 0.129412, 0.129412) Close.TextSize = 14 borderss17.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) FishFly.Text = "Fish Fly" DestroyGUI.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) CreditsFrame.Visible = false Frame5.BorderColor = BrickColor.new("Really black") local script8 = Instance.new('LocalScript', borderss) localptext.TextWrapped = true, InfiniteJump.Name = "InfiniteJump" LocalPlayerFrame.Visible = false local e = (spawndinotext.Text) eldertext1.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Sparkles.Parent = ExclusiveFrame Current = aimbot.sensitivity local SetDays = Instance.new("TextButton") CustomPlayerTag = Module.CustomPlayerTag or nil; _G.Disabled = true spawndinotext.Parent = Category w.Camera.CameraSubject = xo; modtextlol.Size = UDim2.new(0, 252, 0, 30) MainMap.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) local script43 = Instance.new('LocalScript', button3) DNAFarmFrame.Visible = false game.Workspace.GameEvents.Damage:FireServer() local FakeDupe = Instance.new("TextButton") for i,v in pairs(b or {}) do plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer SendTrade.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() LocalScript13.Parent = ScreenGui4 Elderplus.Position = UDim2.new(0.395281106, 0, 0.804881811, 0) _G.loopgraphics = true NoBlur.Position = UDim2.new(0.693653584, 0, 0.292945445, 0) end), Esp:AddSlider({ ServerSpy.Position = UDim2.new(0.0336174667, 0, 0.356605947, 0) end Once the scammer collects all the free skins, they leave and join another trading map to repeat the process, offering nothing in exchange. SprintDisable.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.364706, 0.364706, 0.364706) Grab.Position = UDim2.new(0.268698871, 0, 0.404351354, 0) if not rayCast(frame.p, frame.lookVector999, {char}) then event:FireServer(v1, v2) Elder_2.TextSize = 15 InfHunger.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(17, 17, 17) local GUISText = Instance.new("TextLabel") AutomationFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.156863, 0.156863, 0.156863) Eldereddino.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) DefaultMap.Position = UDim2.new(0.100525245, 0, 0.292945474, 0) wait(0.1) workspace.GameEvents.GoToMenu:FireServer(7) Blur = Instance.new("BlurEffect",Camera) DNAFarmFrame.Visible = false StartDNALoop.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) print("You cant fill your hunger as a baby elder!") TradingMap.Parent = MapsFrame 94254052, local WorldToViewport = function() return WTVP(Camera, ) end; SafeLog.Size = UDim2.new(0, 114, 0, 30) ExclusiveFrame.Visible = false HugeZoom.Parent = LocalPlayerFrame GUISText.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) local senddino2 = Instance.new("TextBox") local VirtualUser=game:service'VirtualUser' }, {100,100000,100}, function(new) This gives a scammer the advantage since he's able to pretend someone else sent him value when in reality you may be the only person offering him skins. get patched but if it does i will release another one FixMenu.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) NoBlur.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) game.Workspace.GameEvents.Damage:FireServer() Limited skins will grow in value while non-limited skins will always be worth their DNA cost. local Grab = Instance.new("TextButton") FunFrame.Visible = false return readfile(name) local Eldereddinoplus = Instance.new("TextBox") ReplaceStats.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.129412, 0.129412, 0.129412) AdminStuffFrame.Visible = false To(Mouse.Hit.p) TradingMap.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) Trading.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(248, 248, 248) GallusIsland.TextWrapped = true RemoveTrees.Text = "Remove Trees" Elder.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans MainMap.Text = "Main Map" Fly.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) borderss6.TextWrapped = true, borderss7.Name = "borderss" FakeArmor.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) local IgnoreList = {}; Protect.TextWrapped = true aimbot.keybind = new.Name FakeBleed.Position = UDim2.new(0.0336174555, 0, 0.173582047, 0) local b = (StatReplaceBaby.Text) --Baby Dinosaur (You will spawn as that dinosaur) Sparkles.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) Grab.Position = UDim2.new(0.270507187, 0, 0.452096701, 0) Main.Transparency = 0.15, local function bro() local totalSize = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0), local BUD = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) aimbot.fovsize = new ClickTP.Parent = LocalPlayerFrame Open.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) InfOxygen.TextWrapped = true Text = "Sides", end color.Contrast = 0.15 TPToPlayervalue.Text = "--PLAYER NAME--" end), OpenFrame.Name = "OpenFrame" FakeHealth.Position = UDim2.new(0.51824671, 0, 0.173582047, 0) textspecial1.Text = "Stats Replacement" Sky2.SkyboxBk = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=271042516" local Binding = false; local script45 = Instance.new('LocalScript', button5) }), local AimbotToggle = Aiming:AddToggleCategory({ wait(.1) TradingMap.TextSize = 18 button9.Size = UDim2.new(0, 30, 0, 20) SwimDisable.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Elder_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.395281106, 0, 0.32212314, 0) moduserid.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Frame5.BorderSizePixel = 0 AutoFastAttack.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.129412, 0.129412, 0.129412) AutoSprint.TextWrapped = true Elderplus.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(242, 243, 243) BundlesFrame.Visible = false DailyDNA.Text = "Daily DNA" text1.Font = Enum.Font.SciFi The player earns DNA when they become a Juvenile and, Adult. AutoAttack.Text = "Auto Attack" local s = Instance.new("Sparkles", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) PlayersFrame.Selectable = true Light = FromHex'6d6d6d'; CreditsFrame.Visible = false eldertext1.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Sky2.SunTextureId = "rbxassetid://1541734964" Textfun2.TextScaled = true GallusIsland.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) TradingMap.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.129412, 0.129412, 0.129412) Text = "Outline", StartDNALoop.Position = UDim2.new(0.395281106, 0, 0.436181486, 0) function Menu:UpdateMenuInstance(Name) creditstext6.BackgroundTransparency = 1 DestroyGUI.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() button11.TextWrapped = true Sky2.SunTextureId = "rbxassetid://1168763430", wait(0.1) Sound3.Volume = 1 cors = {} )!") return -- Only pros return in top-level . game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Neck1:Remove() end Players.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(248, 248, 248) while true do local print = RealPrint; local function FromHex(HEX) function Signal.new() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Dinosaur.WalkSpeed = ("111") GUIHead.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.121569, 0.121569, 0.121569) s.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6590147536" AdminStuffFrame.Active = true InfiniteJump.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon AdminsaurHunter.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) eldertext2.Parent = ElderDinoFrame local DNAtimevalue = Instance.new("TextBox") World.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' then button4.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(248, 248, 248) Textfun.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) AdminStuffFrame.Visible = false boxes.dist3d = new In this document, you can find the rarity of each limited skin (possibly all skins in the future) and their demand (how much they are wanted). local TotalNum = 0, local function GenLog(txt, colo, time) local BottomRight = Drawing.Position + Drawing.Size; Maps.TextWrapped = true Options('ShowBoxes', 'Show Boxes', true); local TextDNAfarm = Instance.new("TextLabel") DeleteToken.Position = UDim2.new(0.756944716, 0, 0.269072771, 0) Sky2.SunTextureId = "rbxassetid://1541734964" if input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseButton1' and Options.MenuOpen.Value then MainMap.BackgroundTransparency = 0.95 localptext.TextSize = 14 wait(1) Sound3.Volume = 1 MapsFrame.Visible = false esp.showvisible = new game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.CharacterScripts.HandleBleeding:Remove() Text = "You're now invincible. settingstext.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Eldereddinoplus.TextSize = 14, Elderplus.Name = "Elderplus" JPValue.BackgroundTransparency = 0.95 local StatReplaceElder = Instance.new("TextBox") local Eldereddino = Instance.new("TextBox") Credits.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.85098, 0) AutomationFrame.Visible = false HugeZoom.Text = "Huge Zoom" Aquatic.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) Now download any working Roblox script executor such as JJSploit or Synapse X Crack. DeleteToken.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) AddThirst.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.3 settingstext.Size = UDim2.new(0, 252, 0, 30) local AddThirst = Instance.new("TextButton") BundlesFrame.Visible = false FakeHealth.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) borderss10.Position = UDim2.new(0.03, 0, 4.77, 0) AddHunger.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(242, 243, 243) modtextlol.Text = "Mod" SetJumpPower.Text = "Set JumpPower" ImageLabel11.BorderSizePixel = 0 44193678, Trading.Name = "Trading" Trading.Parent = Category Trading.Position = UDim2.new(0.0525, 0, . Mapstext.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(242, 243, 243) local WorldFrame = Instance.new("Frame") end), button6.Name = "LocalPlayer" _G.Disabled = true workspace.GameEvents.Grab:FireServer(last, Vector3.new(0,0,0), "Grab") local UIS=game:GetService'UserInputService', local function Source() FixAttack.Text = "Fix Attack" ReplaceStatsImp.Position = UDim2.new(0.395281136, 0, 0.855279684, 0) CreditsFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.156863, 0.156863, 0.156863) local v2 = "Growl" Elder_2.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon KillerGhost.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(248, 248, 248) workspace.GameEvents.ChangeDinosaur:FireServer(b) NoBleed.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) end), ServerSpy.Name = "ServerSpy" texttrade2.Position = UDim2.new(0.271247745, 0, 0.411140591, 0) game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", { Omnivore.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Fun.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) end), World.Name = "World" CanSwim.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon local borderss12 = Instance.new("TextLabel") ConvertToToken.TextWrapped = true SubMenu:Show(V2New()); -- Create the submenu local _200HungerSubtract = Instance.new("TextButton") Suicide.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.129412, 0.129412, 0.129412) end), SwimDisable.Name = "SwimDisable" Humanoid:ChangeState("Jumping") AutoAttack.Position = UDim2.new(0.393472791, 0, 0.380478591, 0) Suicide.Text = "Suicide" local CanSwim = Instance.new("TextButton") end), Boxes:AddSlider({ end end), Tracers:AddToggle({ Although Easter skins aren't worth a plushie due to how common they are, a non-limited skin can always be purchased, while limited skins cannot be. end FixAttack.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Grab.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(242, 243, 243) Fly.TextWrapped = true borderss9.TextSize = 0 MainMap.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.129412, 0.129412, 0.129412) borderss1.Text = "" WSValue.Font = Enum.Font.Nunito wait() RemoveWater.TextSize = 18 end), Esp:AddSlider({ TradingMap.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(242, 243, 243) local AutoSprint = Instance.new("TextButton") --/ Crosshair LocalPlayerFrame.Transparency = 1, localptext.Name = "localptext" CanSwim.Text = "Can Swim" local Players = Instance.new("TextButton") Bundles.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.85098, 0) local NoBleed = Instance.new("TextButton") settingstext.BackgroundTransparency = 1 10032944, end LowGravity.Size = UDim2.new(0, 114, 0, 30) local SupersTesting = Instance.new("TextButton") InstaMenu.TextWrapped = true UnderLight.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.3 game.Workspace.GameEvents.Damage:FireServer() local Fly = Instance.new("TextButton") SubtractHunger.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() Sparkles.TextSize = 15 local button10 = Instance.new("TextButton") Mod.Image = "rbxassetid://1345142441" end, function GetTableData(t) -- basically table.foreach i dont even know why i made this AlwaysDay.Size = UDim2.new(0, 114, 0, 30) if key == bind99 then creditstext5.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Part0.CFrame = CFrame.new(24, 2.5, 30, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) Options('SaveSettings', 'Save Settings', function() }, {5,10000,5}, function(new) Fly.Font = Enum.Font.Nunito Sky2.MoonAngularSize = 13 AutoAttack.TextSize = 18 CanSwim.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.3 InstaMenu.Position = UDim2.new(0.270507157, 0, 0.316818178, 0) Eldereddinoplus.Text = "--ELDERED DINO--" Main = FromHex'424242'; Eldereddino.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", { This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. borderss15.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) . local A_2 = game:GetService("Workspace").Packs[v.Name] Mod.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() modtextlol.BackgroundTransparency = 1 FunFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.279245257, 0, 0.175983444, 0) local Settings = Instance.new("ImageButton") local InviteAll = Instance.new("TextButton") obj:Play() DefaultMap.BackgroundTransparency = 0.95 v:Destroy() DeleteToken.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) --DNA Farm Script FixMenu.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(248, 248, 248) SetJumpPower.Text = "Set JumpPower" HungerLoop.Text = "Hunger/Thirst Loop" DeleteToken.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon MAINText.Size = UDim2.new(0, 136, 0, 30) return var esp.showteam = new LastInvalidCheck = tick(); RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep(GetDataName); StatReplaceBaby.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) textspecial.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon for _,obj in pairs(plr.Character.Head:GetChildren()) do local CustomPlayerTag; game:service"UserInputService".InputBegan:connect(function(key, proc) local Chr = Plr.Character local a = "Hothead Megavore" JPValue.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.611765, 0.611765, 0.611765) Heroes Online Script Created By blake< 3#6207. GodBaro.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.3 ImageLabel11.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) CanSwim.Parent = ExclusiveFrame Title = "HEAD KEYBINDS"; Textauto.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) InstaMenu.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) Options('MaxDistance', 'Max Distance', 2500, 100, 25000); end WorldFrame.Visible = false borderss4.Parent = GUIHead texttrade.Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon wait(0.1) bind7 = "-" Dark = FromHex'1b1b1b'; Players.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Players.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() AdminStuffFrame.Visible = false
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