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delta green need to know trove

Four days ago he died in his than others. Damage depends on the weapon. This is only the beginning. Unnatural skill and costs 1D3 SAN. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. 16. Thats Deltaof a secret organization called Delta Green. Disorders from HelplessnessDisorder Depression Obsessive/compulsive disorderAn Agent whose SAN score reaches the Breaking Point Anxiety disorder gains a long-term mental disorder. Every character has an agenda that the Agents must try to discern. The Handlerdescribes what happens next. There are no surveillance cameras around. Its like she exploded. This is especially important for characters who are the least sympathetic, such as people who willingly embrace unnatural horrors to get what they want. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. Traumatic background: Things Man Was NotA computer scientist with dangerous interests. You found it in the FBI. Lucky you. or indefinite insanity Each threat comes with two possible SAN losses,one more severe than the other. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 35 Three or four computer-related master's degrees 8. Either way its innocuous, just a time and a place. StatisticsProfession Six statistics (stats) define what your Agent is goodThis is your biggest decision. NATIONALITY 5. Federal Agents needto be well-rounded. Think like your Agent, take on man-nerisms youve invented for your Agent, andimagine the horrors of the game from yourAgents point of view. Traumatic background: hard experi- Dr. Palmerence, with bonuses to Alertness, Drive, Forensics, andOccult. You always succeed at SAN rolls triggered by inflicting or suffering violence, but adapting to that kind of traumaREMARKS deadened your personality and reduced your Charisma. You wanted something unique. If you succeed, your Agent suffers the lowerloss; with a critical success, your Agent suffers the A Bond dies minimum loss possible. Delta Green: Need to Know is published by Arc Dream Publishing in. An astrophysicist scarred by exposure to unnatural forces. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 9 Motivation: Solving puzzles Motivation: Making broken things work Willpower Points (WP) 10 Motivation: Kung fu Motivation: The weird beauties of mathematics Sanity Points (SAN) 99 60 Motivation: Protecting people who are less gifted Breaking Point (BP) 52 13. You may use any authorizedteams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, en- version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Gamevironments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities Content originally distributed under any version of this License.or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trade-mark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this Li-by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes cense with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.the Open Game Content; (f) Trademark means the logos, names,mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify 11. INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE Violence adapted Helplessness adapted Accounting (10%) First Aid (10%) Ride (10%) Alertness (20%) 60% Forensics (0%) 40% Science (0%): Anthropology (0%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Archeology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) 50% Search (20%) 50% Art (0%): History (10%) SIGINT (0%) Artillery (0%) HUMINT (10%) 80% Stealth (10%) Law (0%) 50% Surgery (0%)APPLICABLE SKILL SETS Athletics (30%) Medicine (0%) Survival (10%) Bureaucracy (10%) 40% Melee Weapons (30%) 50% Swim (20%) Computer Science (0%) Military Science (0%): Unarmed Combat (40%) Craft (0%): 60% Unnatural (0%) Navigate (10%) Foreign Languages and Other Skills: Criminology (10%) 70% Occult (10%) 40% Demolitions (0%) Persuade (20%) 70% Disguise (10%) Pharmacy (0%) THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION Dodge (30%) 50% Pilot (0%): Drive (20%) 60% Firearms (20%) 50% Psychotherapy (10%) 30% Check a box when you attempt to use a skill and fail. All rights reserved. Handlers Information Let the players use the pregenerated characters in Clyde Baughman was an active Delta Green agent this book or create new Agents. 2022 The Dragon's Trove. Other times its clear that fail; but remember, a failed Lethality roll stilltheres no hope. Itis playing Dr. Palmer, an anthropology professor who rises up into some indefinable pattern. This is where he kept mementos from izing the glass is far too magnetic for nature.his years with Delta Green. Traumas: Make a Luck roll. Write an adjective or a short descriptionNationality to illustrate it. SEX 6. (Playing with more is a challenge. and our But sometimes you have flashes of insight, things you didn't know you knew. Im doing this for my kids!town, in a bad part of the city. Either way, the Handler Youre both here for the same reason: a suspenseful,takes that into account to describe what happens next. No terms may be 13. be deciphered and appears to be gibberish. the stat by 5 and fill in that number. Bonding with Delta Green Improve a Stat or Skill: Test a stat or skill. If things get too intense,take a break. The Handler has a lot of (unless its a called shot).discretion. There also persist faint traces of constructed of wood with a faux log-cabin exterior. 36// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Game System // Insanity Sample Disorders Insanity is what happens when you lose too many Here are sample disorders for each kind of trau- Sanity Points. The stresses faced POW5) and by overcoming unnatural threats (whichby Delta Green agents often wreck the families and can raise SAN as high as 99 minus the Agents Un-friendships that give them strength. Maybe a building. If your amount. ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. They wanted you for a secret task force, ostensibly counterterrorism but really dedicated to stopping unnatural incursions and saving others from exposure to them. gruesomely killed Here are sample SAN losses. Now, it is a standalone RPG based in the Modern Era. You think hes breath- Then it turns toward you. WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? RPG by Fantasy Games Unlimited, AGE - Adventure Game Engine by Green Ronin, Brave New World by Alderac Entertainment Group, Demon the Fallen RPG by White Wolf Publishing, Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing, Mage The Ascension by White Wolf Publishing, Star Fleet Battles & Federation Commander, Your Source for New, Used, Collectible and Out of Print RPG's, FREE Media Mail Shipping on Domestic U.S. Orders Over $80. The papers provide coordinates. Each stat has a space for Distinguishing Fea-Include your Agents job title or rank if appropriate. Tabitha viscera and bone all adhering to an invisible shape. Constantly look for ways to reinforce a sense of the Agents isolationand vulnerability in a predatory world.PRESENT A VIVID WORLDThe players Agents act in an imagined world that is, in most respects, like our own. From time to time they ask you to help them uncover and stop unnatural incursions and save others from exposure to them. If it fails, your Agent remains pinned and cannot defend against attacks. Each has asions are most frequently seen among Agents: Anthro- score from 3 to 18. She waits at his cabin still. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Traumatic back- Dr. Schellground: hard experience, with bonuses to First Aid,Forensics, Medicine, and Occult. Like blood and sewage. off her screams instantly. yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15. Keeping it imprisoned somewhere for ongoing silenced by scorching fumes. What brought your Agent to Delta Green? SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED20. It is playable with the core rulebook for DELTA GREEN: THE ROLE-PLAYING GAME, the player-facing rules in DELTA GREEN: AGENT'S HANDBOOK, or the quickstart rules in DELTA GREEN: NEED TO KNOW, all available from Arc Dream Publishing. 5// Welcome to Delta Green // // Delta Green: Need to Know // What You Need Percentile Dice (1D100)With this book and the Handlers Screen that comes Actions in Delta Green are resolved using percentile with it, you have everything you need to play Del- dice. If youre the Handler,your job is to present a mystery to theplayers, some terrible event that theirAgents must investigate, a horrificthreat that they must thwart, as well asthe consequences if they fail. Remove any evidence of Delta Greens activities. Delta Green Official Website. Palmer, you come around TABITHA: Im looking for anything strange. the corner and see all this horror. ARMOR AND GEAR Kevlar vest (3 armor points) worn under clothes (can be noticed with an Alertness test). PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) McMurtry Special Operator (security contractor) 3. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 13 Motivation: Getting back to your dog in one piece Motivation: Protecting your friends Willpower Points (WP) 12 Motivation: Quiet professionalism Motivation: Destroying threats to your people Sanity Points (SAN) 99 55 Motivation: One-night stands Breaking Point (BP) 48 13. Baughman, distraught and ashamed, told no allowed to ask about it. It rises beyond the limits of hearing+1D10 percentiles to Unnatural at a cost of 1 SAN into silence.per skill point gained, and it may make the Agent thetarget of a new Delta Green mission. Strangely, its been removed. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 13. This book provides everything you need to play. HerIt hopes to manipulate the newcomers with greater hands are blood-stained, the flesh stripped by constanteffect. Your Agent im- mediately loses 1D4 points from one other (non-DeltaAt 1 or 2 WP your Agent has an emotional break- Green) Bond.down, suffering a 20% penalty to all actions untilWP rises above 2. yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15. Body armor: No effect on a successful Lethality At 0 Hit Points, your Agent diesunless the roll. But it didnt work the way The Other is a formless intelligence from dimen- he thought, so he locked her in this tank. Legend, 2011, Mongoose Publishing. 44// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Last Things Last //The Thing In the Tank If Marlene realizes human beings are near, she attempts to get their attention and sympathy byA wasted corpse, rotten from so many years in the pounding on the inside of the tank and crying for helpdank hole (SAN loss: 1/1D8 from the Unnatural), in a croaking, pathetic voice.Marlene is more than an inexpertly raised zombie. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. 42// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Last Things Last // A well-worn couch faces an archaic, squat televi- Janowitz is curious but not immediately suspi- sion that carries basic cable only. You may not like what you hear. Anyone inspecting it with ScienceBaughmans Vietnam-era metal footlocker is stowed (Physics) at 20% or greater loses 0/1 SAN real-under his bed. The Agents themselves probably For the most part, Baughman was very cir- live in different cities, maybe different states, but they cumspect about keeping his secrets. If you their Agents belong. Casting Animate Dead on thetrove's bloated corpse. Handheld GPS. Its also your jobto present clues that lead the Agentsdeeper into the mystery, and to makesure that overlooking an import-ant clue doesnt leave the playersstymied. But anyone opening between missions grants +1 percentile in the the tank is in for a rude surprise. Only the Handlerthem. The whole building is swept into a corner. Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. 16. character can take no actions except attempting to escape. A pinnedsecond of violence. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Every skill has a base value in parentheses, like Ath- letics (30%). STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. Delta Green: Need to Know is written by Shane Ivey and Bret Kramer. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another day but often at a shattering personal cost. In Delta Green: The role-playing game, you are one of those agents! // // Delta Green: Need to Know //Federal Agent Scientist Alertness 50% Bureaucracy 40% Bureaucracy 40% Computer Science 40% Criminology 50% Science (choose one) 60% Drive 50% Science (choose another) 50% Firearms 50% Science (choose another) 50% Forensics 30% Choose any three of these: HUMINT 60% Accounting 50% Law 30% Craft (choose one) 40% Persuade 50% Foreign Language (choose one) 40% Search 50% Forensics 40% Unarmed Combat 60% Law 40%Choose any one of these: Pharmacy 40% Accounting 60% Computer Science 50% Special Operator Foreign Language (choose one) 50% Heavy Weapons 50% Alertness 60% Pharmacy 50% Athletics 60% Demolitions 40% Firearms 60% Heavy Weapons 50% Melee Weapons 50% Military Science (Land) 60% Navigate 50% Stealth 50% Survival 50% Swim 50% Unarmed Combat 60%Physician Choose Bonus Skills Bureaucracy 50% Pick any eight skills and add 20% to each of them. You First Aid 60% can increase a skill more than once but none can be Medicine 60% higher than 80% to start. time your Agent interacts with that Bond, describe how the relationship has worsened. DELTA GREEN was once a setting for Call of Cthulhu, created by the Delta Green Partnership (Glancy, Detwiller, & Tynes). were in Myanmar, deep in the undeveloped hinterlands. ing die-roll wins. Does your Regaining Sanity PointsAgent grow hostile and angry, irrationally blamingthe loved one for imagined wrongs? Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPY-is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (Wizards). After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. In Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game,you are one of those agents. ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) Kamaroff Physician (FBI forensic pathologist) 3. The control offi- cer gives instructions, acts as the Agents go-between with Delta Green, and provides logistical support, but never joins the Agents operations. 17// What Is an Agent? * A Delta Green operation, "Last Things Last," ready for the Handler (the game moderator) to introduce your team to Delta Green tonight. Its nature and Addiction symptoms depend on the kind of trauma that pushed Obsession the Agent to the Breaking Point: Violence, Helpless- Enclosure-related phobia ness, or the Unnatural. 16. An anthropology professor and amateur photographer with deep experience in the occult. Whatever happened, it boosted your Occult skill and gave you a little knowledge of the Unnatural, the terrible inhuman truths of the universe. Roll 1D4. tures. If the stat is below 9 or above 12, it stands out in some way. On the adjacent cof- cious. The usethe Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute aadditional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. Bureaucracy 40% Foreign Language (choose one) 50%Number of Bonds Foreign Language (choose another) 30% History 60% Anthropologist or Historian: 4 Occult 40% Persuade 40% Computer Scientist or Engineer: 3 Choose any two of these that you dont already have: Anthropology 40% Federal Agent: 3 Archeology 40% HUMINT 50% Physician: 3 Navigate 50% Ride 50% Scientist: 4 Search 60% Survival 50% Special Operator: 2 Computer Scientist or EngineerBond Examples Computer Science 60% Spouse or ex-spouse Craft (Electrician) 30% Son or daughter Craft (Mechanic) 30% Favored parent or grandparent Craft (Microelectronics) 40% Best friend Science (Mathematics) 40% Long-time coworker or partner SIGINT 40% Psychologist or therapist Choose any four of these that you dont already have: Spouse and children Accounting 50% Parents Bureaucracy 50% Siblings Craft (choose one) 40% Colleagues in an intense, difficult job or calling Foreign Language (choose one) 40% Church or support group Heavy Machinery 50% Fellow survivors of a shared trauma Law 40% Science (choose one) 40%Define MotivationsOther than Bonds, what makes your Agent tick?Intellectual curiosity? INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE 10. //Name Bonds Determine Professional SkillsProfession determines how many Bonds your Agent Each profession comes with a set of skills. Any similarity with people or events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events described in historical context. SEX 6. terferes with the weapon. If you roll a failure and the dice match each oth-er, or if you roll 00 (meaning 100), thats a criticalfailure, also called a fumble. Fumble: 1 SAN. WOUNDS AND AILMENTSINJURIES Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? If youremost interested in exploring strange cultures and Willpower Points (WP): Equal to POW.ancient history, play an Anthropologist or Historian. You conspire to cover it all up so no one else must see what you've seenor learn the terrible truths you've discovered. 33// Game System // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Combat Move: Jog 10 m., run 20 m., or sprint 30 m. (Usually, your Agent can go about 3 m. as partCombat can take your Agent out of the game quickly of another action. each Bond.Captivity or Imprisonment +10% 5 SAN 3 POW (this does not affect SAN).Hard Experience +10% 5 SAN You are Adapted to Helplessness. Both sides roll, as usual. Think up the details as you go. Complete rules for character creation. Damage is the amount it reduces the targets Hit Points. for example.Weapons Each kind of special training is based on an existing stat or skill: DEX for lockpicking, Swim forSkill % is your Agents skill with that kind of wea- SCUBA gear, Athletics for parachuting or for throw- pon. This means the Sleep disorderfight or flight response takes over: your Agent either Paranoia runs away, lashes out mindlessly, or curls up in a Intermittent explosive disorder helpless ball. Dodging never inflicts damage. 45// Last Things Last // // Delta Green: Need to Know //clawing at the walls. proximity to Baughmans apartment. The contents of this document are Arc Dream Publishing, except as listed and excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property. NATIONALITY 5. Is the warehouse dusty fromdisuse? Thats your Agents new Breaking Point. Atop the contents is asealed enveloped marked with a triangle in green ink. Fail, and you dont. Its aboutthe end of humanity and the struggle to keep it at bay just a little longer. Her fleshdestroy the body that spoke with his wifes dead voice. All rights reserved worldwide. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 11 Motivation: Finishing the next Ph.D. the group? and maintain a tense and suspenseful mood.) After failing to get a good nights sleep, or work- it. EMPLOYER 4. This guide also includes the "Standing . Choose the center of theradius before attacking. Many other professions are described in the Delta Each stat has space for its 5 rating. Delta Green Previous Next Deception is a right. The control officer gives the Agents a cursory dossier on Baughman (see HANDOUT A, page 48) and a key to Baughmans apartment. The decision to attack Marlene should not be easy. Please, log in or register. If you can make the players sympathize with their enemies, the terrors of Delta Green become more pronounced. Welcome to the Opera. Now you may attempt a SAN test. Something else? Success: +1D4 SAN. Lose 1D6 SANSanity Pointsif HANDLER: OK. If asked, the Agent could easily pass it off as a wrong number or spam. Its damage roll isouch. It takes oneAgent about twelve hours to go through the many Behind the building stand an outhouse and a shed. he or she loses 1 SAN, but can act normally. wins, that lengthens the lead. And since then you've been in contact with a few secret government agents who were there (perhaps some of your fellow Agents now), who saved your life and are grateful to you for saving theirs. 4. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to beindicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? Demanding professions allowfewer Bonds. She says that shell recover. SPECIAL TRAINING into a private meeting and inducted you into another SKILL OR STAT USED program. The control officer will (probably) reimburse them with cash. If your Agent loses 1 or more SAN due toViolence or Helplessness but doesnt go insane, markthe appropriate check-box. THE SCHISM: deep details Describe the Home and Familyrepercussions as you play. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION 21. The operation went south, people . In this book youll find rules for creating to get a number from 1 to 100. About the Author Shane Ivey runs Arc Dream Publishing and is lead editor for Delta Green. Whats something admirable about your Agent? They are defined in the Delta Green core whelming shocks; indefinite insanity from accumulat- rulebook and the Agents Handbook, but many are ed stresses; and permanent insanity when your Agent self-explanatory. It contains a set of basic rules, six pre-generated . All sublicenses shallOpen Game Content distributed using this License. jay and barn swallow). Where are the damn cops? gore and debris around the shape. Earn the players trust and keep it. (SAN loss: 0/1D6 from suffering Violence.) LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. The tens die comes up 3 and the ones die Delta Green uses polyhedral dice common to comes up 0: 30. tabletop role-playing games: four-sided, six-sided, eight-sided, ten-sided, twelve-sided, and twenty-sided. Delta Green Character Sheet (PDF, Fillable) Patreon for Dennis Detwiller. Only registered users can write reviews. This eight-page reference document adds resources to orient new Agents of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game: typical professions, tables to generate agent motivations, tables to generate the horrifying incursion that brought a new agent in, tradecraft tips, a summary of personal pursuits in home scenes, and a home scene worksheet. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. Why do you say yes?20. Truth is a privilege. Lovecraft. PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. I roll 20. she may lose SAN. It also cost you a great deal of SAN and left you with a lingering sleep disorder: You must make a SAN roll to get a good night's sleep even at the best of 19. times. When adaptedto a threat, an Agents SAN tests for it always succeedbut adapting to a threat changes your Agent, and not forthe better. Deeper terrors can be found in Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game and its sourcebooks, available from Arc Dream Publishing. Learn how your comment data is processed. Each Bond has a score that begins equal to yourAgents Charisma stat. A violent encounter with the unnatural brought you to Delta Green. Same, dude. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. A couple of the agents in that case (perhaps fellow Agents now) talked to you afterward. An Agentinjured that seriously must roll a CON test. Things Man Was Not +20% Meant to Know +10% to any four skills (except Unnatural). . The investigation ended without prosecution,You can decide what other evidence Clyde Baughman but Delta Green surveillance of the companyhas left behind. This is a work of fiction. If they dont, point it out to any Sky Devils: Archetypical Figures in Native Agent with INT 14 or with 20% in a skill such as American Mythology, by Karen Barr. The Handler decides catch another, thats one or more opposed tests: Driv-which skills apply. It didnt work the way the other scorching fumes most frequently seen Agents! 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delta green need to know trove